View Full Version : resting heart rate?

13-11-13, 18:13
ok, I am sure this has been covered a hundred times, but new worry of the week is my heart rate. My heart rate is usually around 100-115, but for the past few days its been between 125-130 every time! My concern is, is that I don't even feel anxious. I don't have my normal anxiety symptoms, just this racy heart. I saw my GP yesterday and he said the rhythm was fine and I was just anxious. He offered to do another EKG even though I just had one a few weeks ago to prove that its fine.
I didn't do the EKG because I felt silly and I know it wasn't needed, but I don't understand why its not getting better?
I know I need to stop checking it...
any other advice? :blush:

13-11-13, 18:57
Amanda, in answer to your question my advice? Trust your doctors. You've been told you're fine, they're not concerned, neither should you be. My resting heart rate is very slow and was for years. It was only when I was diagnosed with thyroid problems that it made sense. Ironically the heart rate isn't and wasn't a problem, it's the thyroid issue that was (and remains) the problem.

Try and accept the good news from your doctor. You're ok, ok? :)

13-11-13, 23:51
Hi Amanda

Yer stop checking it lol! Seriously I am the same, rate goes high when I check it so I shouldn't do it either!

Your doc wouldn't say it was anxiety if he thought it was anything, they can usually tell even from just listening to the heart.

Lots of different circumstances can change the heart rate even when resting, certain foods, eating too much or too little etc.

I would accept what the doc says and try not to worry although easier said than done!:blush:


14-11-13, 00:31
Amanda. I also have struggled with this. I figured I was completely unhealthy and was going to die soon. My heart was always going 100+ bpm. Rarely did it dip. So I decided to take some proactive steps. I began working out. Every day. I don't even worry about it now because my resting rate is in the 60s!! How sweet is that? Get on an exercise plan and start eating whole grains and lots of fruits and vegetables. You will see improvement, and your doc will agree.

14-11-13, 08:33
Jazz what does that mean? "Not good for health?" - can you not post an ambiguous statement like that please.

It's not helpful and is massively open to (negative) interpretation. This is a bloody health anxiety sub-forum, people are frightened and the best you can offer by way of support is that?!

Hopefully a moderator will delete your post. It's irresponsible.

16-11-13, 14:12
Thank you everyone for your thoughtful replies!
I'm glad whatever that was that was deleted was taken off before I could read it :)
I ended up going to work that night after being convinced that it would take my mind off things...I walked in the door and had one of the worst panic attacks I've had in my 17 years of this hell. full on derealization and all!
Luckily i work in a nursing home so I happened to see a doctor that I don't know at all, and its all still fuzzy but she took me outside to breathe and offered to drive me home. I was able to calm down a bit and drove myself home and texted my pdoc right away, I had started imipramine 3 weeks ago and she told me to stop taking it. She said since it was only 20mg I could just stop, but to start weaning off my celexa (20mg) and start brand name prozac (10mg) right away. I am feeling better today after 2 days of crying non-stop.
So, maybe the imipramine wasn't for me, I can already notice my heart is not pounding like it was (I haven't checked the rate, I swear! :D)

So we'll see how this new regimen goes, she was pretty dead set on it being the brand prozac and I am not sure why..but I am staying hopeful!
So thank you again to everyone, I've started cutting out my coffee, drinking more water, and I might try and go for a nice walk today outside.