View Full Version : Just needing to offload :-(

13-11-13, 20:06
I'm feeling a bit down for lots of reasons so thought I'd write them down here. Feel like many years of my life have been wasted with this anxiety and depression. I just sit and think how much it's controlled my life and how I'm 31 soon and still live at home and I don't think I could ever aford a place and worry I will be at home with my parents forever. I've no bf and no kids and feel time is passing by so fast and that soon I will be to old to have kids. I work but only 16 hours a week it's all I can manage. How will things ever improve feel lost.

13-11-13, 20:17
Hayley don't beat yourself up...you have made improvement and will continue to do so. don't worry about all these things now, live in the present and don't worry about the future, it will sort it self out. Concentrate on all the positives in your life as that is what will help you to recover.

13-11-13, 20:40
Hi Hayley. Sorry abut your predicament. I can't remember but are you receiving any treatment for your anxiety & depression? For me, getting proper help has made a world of difference. It meant I have been able to do things I really never thought I would. I have flourished as a person.... And these are things that in time you could experience too. As regards living at home, these days for many, many people it isn't an option to move out. I was a similar age to u when I left home.
It IS possible to change, to get your life moving again.
I recall sitting there after leaving my gp's surgery having been told I was suffering depression. It felt like my life had stopped in its tracks. I didn't know what was coming next... The journey I went on. Therapy. Hard work. Frustration. Tears. But latterly success, fulfilment & enjoying a better quality of life. Ok, I have setback, blips.... But I deal with what gets thrown at me. Because that's what you have to do.
Anyway, let me know if you're having treatment at all (if u don't mind me asking) :-)

13-11-13, 20:48
Hi tessar I am on olanzapine and mirtazapine and have been going to a group relaxation class but only have 2 sessions left than I will go back for one to one therapy xx

13-11-13, 21:46
When the therapy comes, Hayley, give it your best shot. It can be hard work and seem like it isn't helping but really it is the way forward. If you keep at it then you can get through it and begin to live the life you want to be leading. You've got a great support network here & this will help you enormously. Feel free to offload.... I find that it helps so much to know there are people about :-)

14-11-13, 00:48
praying 4 u

14-11-13, 22:44
I feel like this too. Although only been diagnosed 2 years at xmas it already feels like its never going to go away. Im only 27 but worried I wont get the chance to have a family if I dont get better. Also on citalopram I have put on 3 1/2 stone In the 2 years narrowing my chances and making my depression worse :-( sometimes it seems like I will always be like this :-)