View Full Version : Anxiety coping techniques/comfort behaviours?

13-11-13, 20:42
So feeling like absolute crap tonight got a new poison fear... My mind seriously troubles me at times !!! Anyways basically I was wondering do u guys have any little crazy rituals/ comfort behaviours that in ur mind keep you safe? Like I have some that if I don't do them I feel really uncomfortable like something bad is going to happen an I have to go do them or the consequences will be dire. For example before going to bed I have to leave food low down for my daughter to get to if I die in night and if I don't do it I won't settle, or check the windows an doors a few times, put my bedroom door at the exact angle otherwise that bothers me. There's a few things I do similar to that. My main one is my phone if it not in my hand or within touching distance I panic as in really panic I take it the toilet even. In my head I will collapse an wont be able to ring an ambulance if it not in my hand (irrational I know as I would probably be unconscious!) but I have to take it everywhere... Don't lock my front door incase ambulance people need to come in at night that's one that really needs to stop :-/ ... Anyone else got these crazy types of behaviours ? I also wanted to know did anyone have any calming, reassuring techniques that's worked for them and their hypochondria? X

13-11-13, 22:46
The way to overcome intrusive thoughts/obsessive behaviours is to undergo a comprehensive treatment program, ones that been tailored to meet your specific needs.

In the interim distraction is the key, whether that be something relaxing, active or plain old fun. And, if it helps you to start working on your behaviours, start by picking one thing and not doing it. This is the only way (initially) to demonstrate (to you) that you cannot protect against random events simply by performing ritualistic behaviours.

In effect you are 'touching wood', you're just doing it in a variety of different ways. As for the unlocked door of an evening - lock it. If ever you needed an ambulance and they couldn't get in, trust me they'll get through the door :)

14-11-13, 07:30
I have a few rituals I go through at night too. I thought it was just me being odd!! I have never slept with my wedding ring or engagement ring on, they sit on the bedside table. Since my husband died in May, every night I HAVE to kiss my rings before I go to sleep!!
I live in a different country to my parents, brought up in a Catholic household, and when I'm at home, (this is so weird!), I have to bless myself a number of times before I go to bed and not 13 times.
OMW I have just written this down now and it sounds so freakish!!!:D