View Full Version : just so afraid im losing my mind

13-11-13, 21:15
i have had depression anxiety ocd and health anxiety for seven years and have been on citalopram 40mg for quite a few years now i have had several lapses where i have felt awful usually after a bereavement or serious health scare but today i started feeling terrible so scared i shook and cried i felt terrible so lower than i ever have and i just had the most unreal foggy brained muzzy head it scared me so much am i going mad im frightened i am never gonna be ok or that im going to be ill at christmas i cant be i have a family and an autistic son who needs me can anyone advise please help :weep:

13-11-13, 21:57
I feel the same as you and I took feel pressure to be well for Christmas. I am a mum to 3 children so I know how you feel.

I had a bad scare monday, you may have seen my post below. I too worry I am going mad :-(

You aren't going to lose your mind. Anxiety and depression make us feel we are losing who we are and we live in fear of it ever happening. I know that I do and it feeds my anxiety causing set backs.

Stress causes my anxiety to get worse and I have been very stressed recently.

Maybe go and speak to yoru GP about how you feel. I rung my Gp Tuesday and I got to see him that day, seeing him did help and we set up a plan to up my meds and get some counselling sorted out on the NHS.

I hope you feel better very soon. It is awful wondering if this nightmare will ever end. You can always message me if you need someone to talk to. Take care xx

13-11-13, 22:18
Bonibelle so many thanks for your kindness i am already medicated and the thought of swapping meds terrifies me its a horrible feeling being so scared i get shaky legs and need the loo after an episode of fear the depersonalisation is scary too where you dont feel yourself ooh it makes me so fretful i work in a hospital too so i need my concentration its reassuring for me you feel the same but sad for you nice to chat keep in touch best of luck:smile:

14-11-13, 06:01
I hate meds and changing isn't an option for me after a couple of nasty reactions.

It's horrible feeling this way. I hope you get better soon xx