View Full Version : feeling like Ill stop breathing if I fall asleep

14-11-13, 06:56
Tonight and I noticed last night as well I am getting the feeling that I will stop breathing if I fall asleep and right before I am about to fall asleep I jolt myself awake out of fear. It's 2 am and I can not sleep because I keep getting anxious and working myself up to a panic attack.

I had a concussion almost 4 weeks ago now and I am constantly worrying that I am going to drop dead because of it. I had some alcohol this past weekend and am now worrying that because of that I am going to die in my sleep.

I can't stop having the circling thoughts and cant shake this weird feeling. I do not want to fall asleep and not wake up again. I can't sleep and I need to talk to someone.

14-11-13, 07:38
Hi I had the similar anxiety attack but my worry was my blood pressure. Kept thinking about it and couldn't sleep. So went to the dr the following day and checked it and it was good. But I did go back on my medication after 4 years of being off of it. But once you start panic attacks and staying up all night it's hard to off set chemicals in head. Of us who have anxiety keep playing the same tune over and over till the mind can't take it.are u on any meds ? Maybe you should go and check up with your doctor and get some reassurance on your conclusion . And drinking for me gives me anxiety .my cardiologist says it increase heart rate. Hope this helps.

14-11-13, 11:06
I get something very similar to this if I am under a lot of stress, or if my acid reflux is playing up. It's usually down to exhaustion from stress. As I'm drifting off I feel like I've stopped breathing and jolt awake with a sudden gasp.

If it's a new symptom then it might be good to get it checked with your GP.

If it's something you've experienced before and had it checked then you can probably chalk it up to anxiety and do some daily stress relief work so that you can get to sleep at night.

14-11-13, 11:23
I have this too, this started 12 years ago after the sudden death of my father, and like honey love said its usually when I'm most exhausted stressed or anxious, as soon as I fall into a deep sleep I feel like my brain has forgotten to signal my body to breathe and I wake gasping for breath all confused and disorientated for a few seconds then it passes this can happen a few times in a row on any given night, then some nights nothing!
Another horrible side to Anxiety I'm afraid!

14-11-13, 11:28
In a way it's reassuring to know that other people go through this too, it means that I will have further reason to rationalise it and not worry about it if it happens to me again :)

08-09-15, 08:46
Have any of you measured your oxygen saturation levels when you get this feeling? I get this feeling every few weeks or so when dropping off to sleep only - feel like my brain has forgotten to breathe and I wake gasping for air as I drop off. When this happens my oxygen saturation drops down to 90% - my dr said this is not normal and I'm being referred to the breathing clinic for apnea testing and also for a brain scan. I have never snored.

Calvin Harris
07-01-16, 00:29
I have this too, i think we are chronic hyperventilaters
Maybe as we fall asleep we are not used to these levels of oxygen and co2
causing the gasping
All part of stress