View Full Version : Dr google addict. Help please!

14-11-13, 12:02
I'm trying to stop my self from googling. I feel soo ill today and I'm sure these arnt symptoms of anxiety ( although they probably are) I feel like I can't breathe properly and like someone is sat on my chest? All my muscles ache all over and feel weak over the easiest tasks for example my hand muscles cramp and ache just from holding the steering wheel. My arm aches just carrying my handbag, my legs ache just walking up the stairs. I feel like an old woman :unsure: any reply will be good just to stop me googling lol x

14-11-13, 12:07
Dr. Google is under investigation for malpractice due to false diagnosis and causing undue stress to millions!. Didn't you know that? He never even went to Medical School!

Try clicking on the "Symptoms" link on the left side of the page and give that a read. It's eye opening to say the least.

I used Dr. Google last week and found out I was pregnant! Ask Andria ~lol~ ;)

That being said, could be the flu coming on.

14-11-13, 12:13
I'm trying to stop my self from googling. I feel soo ill today and I'm sure these arnt symptoms of anxiety ( although they probably are) I feel like I can't breathe properly and like someone is sat on my chest? All my muscles ache all over and feel weak over the easiest tasks for example my hand muscles cramp and ache just from holding the steering wheel. My arm aches just carrying my handbag, my legs ache just walking up the stairs. I feel like an old woman :unsure: any reply will be good just to stop me googling lol x

Now I am not definitively saying that this is the issue with you, but 10 days ago I ached all over. Legs, hands, everything. I didnt feel all that anxious at the time so couldnt believe that it was down to anxiety.

Anyway, last Thursday I decided to book myself in for a sports massage. The woman pinpointed where i hurt just by the tension in my muscles and could trace pain up my legs and into my back. It was quite amazing actually. Aside from the fact that she was a sadist and my back hurt a bit the day after, almost all my pain has gone. I havent dared believe it because i thought it might just be a blip or psychosomatic but seriously it went. I am going again tomorrow for a beating up!

14-11-13, 12:31
I am being over cautious here Katty so don't worry. But whenever chest pain, especially a squashing sensation is mentioned, I always like to ask before giving my opinion (unless I've seen it on other threads) - have you had this or anything similar before?

14-11-13, 13:24
Um No I don't think so

14-11-13, 13:31
You need some self control. Don't satisfy the urge of googling your symptoms, what benefit will that be to you? None at all. You'll find some scary illness, your mind will ponder it and cause you anxiety. If you have symptoms you are not sure about then see your doctor. Aches and pains could be down to the fact that you're anxious, you do tense a lot when you're anxious. I remember getting awful back pain and thinking it was my back problem flaring up, once I was away from the stress the pain disappeared.

14-11-13, 13:37
Ok well, I'm very confident that it's "just" anxiety. But if it definitely feels like somebody sitting on your chest accompanied with breathing issues then I personally would suggest either checking in with your doctor or calling 111 and asking what they think if it doesn't ease off or if it gets worse. I'm saying this only because you haven't experienced it before and therefore can't have been told that it's anxiety by a qualified professional.

Again though, I am certain it is nothing to worry about. Hope you feel better soon.