View Full Version : My trip to the doctors part 2

14-11-13, 13:08
Hi everyone

I've decided to sort myself out this week sue to help from certain lovely people on here. I told him I need help and asked in what he could do. He said....you need to do it yourself and when I said how much it's ruining my life he was running late and told me to leve as he has serious illnesses to worry about. I just left and am so upset. Health anxiety IS serious.

14-11-13, 13:12
Was it your normal doctor chick?

That sounds like a terrible, awful reaction and I'm pretty sure not within NHS care guidelines!

14-11-13, 13:19
Willous - reovery from HA is not going to be straight forward - but i think you know that. However let me tell you how the same conversation went with my GP, although I had to research and find the one I wanted to see first.

Me: So I have all these symptoms that are making me really anxious, but I also know I have a problem with anxiety.

Her: Ok so let's talk about the symptoms do some basic health checks and when we have a baseline talk about anxiety.

She then checked my heart, lungs etc and ordered blood tests that all came back normal. She insisted that I came in to get my results.

A week later:

She talked through every line on the blood test, even the one that was a bit off and explained why, and that if I wanted we could retest in 3 months, but that she didnt see it as necessary and would be guided by me.

She then talked to me at length about my anxiety, we discussed meds and decided that it wouldnt be helpful. She offered to refer me for CBT inspite of the fact that I am paying privately for it. And then she asked me how I thought she could help.

I told her that I was concerned that I would want to run back every two mins with a new sensation and wondered whether we could book an appointment every six weeks to monitor mental health and also to go through any random physical concerns, with the context that I knew they were most likely irrational.

My first 6 week appointment is next week.

Personally i thought her response was perfect and she righly pointed out that a GP is responsible equally for your mental as well as physical health.

My suggestion is to find a new GP, be open and honest about your anxiety and tell them that you need support for it. Specifically the things that a GP has at their disposal:

- Medication;
- Referral to a mental health service;
- Ongoing monitoring of your condition;

I know it is disheartening but even the fact that you have written a post like this shows that you have moved on from your mammouth thread last week and definitely from the now imfamous 'seed in my stool thread' (I joke).

If you are really bored google 'NHS Parity of Esteem' crappy name, but is all about the NHS placing equal emphasis on mental as well as physical health.

---------- Post added at 13:19 ---------- Previous post was at 13:17 ----------

Was it your normal doctor chick?

That sounds like a terrible, awful reaction and I'm pretty sure not within NHS care guidelines!

I can definitively say that it isnt in line with the direction of travel in the NHS and is most likely an outdated clinician who still believes you cure all ills with a pill or an operation. Treat the person, not the condition!

14-11-13, 13:34
CPE, your doctor sounds great. Where I am in worthing we don't have one doctor. Whoever is available will be the one you see. I've seen two this week who have made me feel so bad. I was not dramatic in the slightest and just asked for help. I'm going to complain as feel so upset. It took a lot to even go to the doctors! I really do appreciate the replies and thank you for your time CPE. The 'seed in stool' thread is a bit of a classic ha. Just before my op everything seemed to be life threatening for me but now I'm saying to the doctors that I know I have HA and I just want help. I didn't go there for months so it's not like I hassle them. He was very old school but really rude.

14-11-13, 13:41
Hey willous, I've had a skim through your threads (bless you darling, what a tough old time you're having) but can't seem to find whether you are on any medication or whether you've had any CBT etc.

Would you mind filling me in? I'll try to help you find the right direction from here if I can.

I definitely think you should complain and that you should specifically request another doctor - find one you like, write down their name and ask only to see them. If that means holding until till the days they work then fine, but building up a relationship with a good GP who knows you and your history is so very important in this journey

14-11-13, 13:44
I am not sure that is acceptable Willous. I think for someone with an ongoing mental health condition that there is real logic, in fact probably greater clinical effectiveness in consistency of GP. Our practice operates the same principle that you phone up and ask for an appointment and you get the next appointment with whichever doctor, but if i phone up and ask for an appointment with Dr Wood then they give me her next available one.

I am relieved actually as I used to have an amazing GP who retired and it has taken a while to find another one that I dont think is a bit old school. GPs need to understand that even though they are notionally a public service, they are in essence private contractors and should be subject to the same market forces as any other business. If punters arent happy they go elsewhere and the practice's income goes down in line with registered patients.

It makes me so angry - especially as I work for the NHS. Perservere or change drs practice.

Feel free to PM me if you want any thoughts. I am working to a bit of a deadline today but really keen to support you where i can.


14-11-13, 14:45
Thank you so much for your replies. I am on Citilopram 40mg Katesa. I have been on it a while and one doctor even wanted me to go up to 60 mg. to be fair I had months where I got a bit better but I have gone really downhill since I found out date of op. I am definitely going to try and find one doctor and stick with them and feel I have just been unlucky. Thank you for support both of you and others on here. I just want to be better. I have had no real cbt but have had counceling and done other things to no success. I once tried changing tablets which also didn't help. This really has done me in the last couple of years. Losing jobs, friend and almost family because of it. But I don't want doctors feeling sorry for me, I just want help. Sean

14-11-13, 15:10
Thank you for clarifying hon.

Now please understand that I have no psychological training at all so value my advice at the price you paid for it.

Once you find a doctor who you feel comfortable with you need to request, in the strongest of terms, to be referred for CBT - it is very effective for many people.

In the meantime, while you are waiting for your CBT to begin, I highly recommend that you do what CP (and I also) did - we asked our GP's to only refer us for tests etc that they felt were necessary, nothing "just for reassurance" and then you have to force yourself to stick with it. Like CP, with your GP's agreement, arrange some fixed appointments - if you can't manage 6 weeks like him, try to start with 3 - where you can list any issues that have been worrying you.

Try to challenge yourself to not seek reassurance inbetween and practice reassuring yourself (without Dr Google). Try to go one day without asking anyone for reassurance. Then try another and another etc. When you really can't resist (and there will be times you can't, believe me) stick to asking just once (I usually ask my husband) and then when you get an answer, don't ask again. Learn to accept the first answer. You will slip up on this, probably a number of time - I know I did! But reward yourself for the small goals.

Practice distraction - when I have a moment where I think this pain or that tingle means deadly cancer, I force myself to get off my arse and read my baby a book, take him for a walk, go to my husband and ask him how his day went, anything to take my mind away from myself and on to other people. Come here and answer other peoples posts, go chat to your neighbor, browse the net for Christmas presents for your children - ANYTHING. Congratulate yourself every time you manage it.

Stop feeling that you are a lost cause or somehow a bad person. You aren't. You have an illness just like any other. Remind yourself that you have shown the strength of character to try and fight this awful disease and that, while recovery isn't always easy, it is more than possible.

If your CBT takes a while to arrange, look in to alternatives. My alternative was psychotherapy. Research that and meditation, lifestyle changes, breathing techniques. Look at your lifestyle and see if there is anything you can change to make you feel better - smoking habits, eating habits, drinking habits, lack of exercise. Feel that sense of empowerment we only experience when we are in control of our body and mind as far as it is possible to be. See how good it feels when we use our somewhat obsessive natures for the forces of good!

Try your hand at knitting, card making, model airplanes, kickboxing - anything! Always wanted to try crocheting a bobble hat but never had the motivation ? Try it now! Always been interested in the 100 years war? Get to the library and research. Be proud of yourself when you master it (I'm still proud of the jumper I knitted my son - it's completely unwearable and rubbish but I made it all by myself - instead of pressing my hurty bits to see if they were better or worse than yesterday)

Above all, be prepared for relapses. Be prepared to feel like absolute crap sometimes and to think you'll never win. It's normal. Just ride it out.

14-11-13, 15:17
I would report the doctor. Health anxiety is a serious illness, unfortunately there are too many doctors who think mental health is not as important as physical health. I would then see a different doctor, maybe ask for one who ismore specialised in mental health.

14-11-13, 15:45
Thanks Rennie, I am going too. I've just been pro active and gone to sign up at a new surgery.

Kate, thank you so much for your time as you didn't have to write all that to me but please now how much I appreciate it and I know your right on all accounts and I just need to do something about it. I need to know it will not be easy but I am going to really try. Keeping myself busy is a big thing and going back to work next Monday will help. I am also going to try and get myself into something, like a hobby. I bought a book yesterday and although it sounds silly, it is part of me trying to distract myself. I used to love music and now I feel like I don't enjoy anything but determined to change that. I love this site for times like this where people go out of the way to help someone they don't know and I hope I can help people in the future. Sean

14-11-13, 15:51
Just wanted to say I'm glad to see you taking steps to seek help. Sorry you're running into a brick wall with your doctor. I agree with everyone's advice in seeking another physician that will pay attention and help you get the treatment you need and want.

Keep on trying! Don't give up ya hear!?

Positive thoughts

14-11-13, 15:52
Thanks Fishmanpa, your help has put me in a better position.

14-11-13, 15:55
You will be Sean. You are going to be one of the big success stories of this board, I just know it.

We help each other because we have all been there chick, and someone else helped us along the way.

To start with, don't expect to take a huge amount of enjoyment out of the distractions and hobbies - I literally felt that I was forcing myself! But after a little while, this little switch inside our head, the one that keeps us on high alert and unable to fully focus, seems to slowly release bit by bit.

And it's not easy but it really does get easier with every little goal you reach. And you know what? Even at it's hardest, the replenishing of our self esteem it gives us is so worth it (in my opinion). When we're at our worst, we sometimes feel unworthy/selfish/a pain in the arse. Just knowing that we are on our way, even if it's hard, can be such a boost of confidence.

Well done on getting a new surgery. It can be a whole clean slate for you with a new doctor to see you through this.

14-11-13, 17:42
Thank you again, feeling a bit better already and going to work hard at this.

14-11-13, 18:19
Good Luck Willous:hugs::hugs::hugs:

14-11-13, 18:31
Thank you everyone, means a lot especially when lots if people don't know or don't understand in my life.

14-11-13, 18:37
Willous it's not you it's your doctor. What a bloody nuisance he sounds. I won't muddy the waters re advice as you've had sound advice already however I just wanted to stop by and say that (however you feel about your treatment at the surgery) you're still doing great and pushing forwards.

Keep moving in the same direction, you're doing great Sean

14-11-13, 18:39
Oh we all understand alright.

Be proud of yourself. You are going to tackle this, and we are all behind you.

14-11-13, 18:45
Absolultly diabolical - report formally and change doctors. :winks:

14-11-13, 18:51
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, willous.

14-11-13, 19:24
Thank you all, you honestly don't know how much it means.

Does anyone know what the best way is to complain. May be the one time I can use google ha.

14-11-13, 19:29
Thank you all, you honestly don't know how much it means.

Does anyone know what the best way is to complain. May be the one time I can use google ha.

You know Sean, I saw the posts about complaining about your doc and such and if I may offer my two cents?

Yes, his behavior is uncalled for and it's certainly not the way you or anyone else should be treated BUT.... in this case, why take on any undue stress and worry? Why not turn the other cheek, find a doctor that treats you with respect and helps you and just move on. The fact that your medical records will be transferred to another doctor will let him know you were unsatisfied and quite frankly, it seems like he could care less if you were his patient anyway.

Positive thoughts

14-11-13, 19:50
You know what, your right. Just spoke to a good friend who agreed. I need to move on and don't need any other stress at the moment.

14-11-13, 21:33
Thanks Rennie, I am going too. I've just been pro active and gone to sign up at a new surgery.

Kate, thank you so much for your time as you didn't have to write all that to me but please now how much I appreciate it and I know your right on all accounts and I just need to do something about it. I need to know it will not be easy but I am going to really try. Keeping myself busy is a big thing and going back to work next Monday will help. I am also going to try and get myself into something, like a hobby. I bought a book yesterday and although it sounds silly, it is part of me trying to distract myself. I used to love music and now I feel like I don't enjoy anything but determined to change that. I love this site for times like this where people go out of the way to help someone they don't know and I hope I can help people in the future. Sean

This I awesome Sean. Just this fact alone should be celebrated as a victory. Think where you were at only a week ago and now you are in charge and driving the situation taking control of the bits you can. We can't reassure you about symptoms because mostly we have no clue, but we can reassure you about recovering from anxiety and give you all the kicks up the butt you need ;)

Posts like this make me smile because you see someone who was in such pain with the determination to make changes.

---------- Post added at 21:33 ---------- Previous post was at 21:31 ----------

You know what, your right. Just spoke to a good friend who agreed. I need to move on and don't need any other stress at the moment.

I would leave it for a while. However when you feel in a place to raise this, think about contacting your local HealthWatch who are the people's voice when it comes to local NHS services.

15-11-13, 17:18
How you getting on Sean? Hope you are still feeling motivated?

15-11-13, 17:39

Bit of a story to tell. Went to a new GP today and they were excellent! He had a look at my wound and guess what....I have an infection. I froze but then he explained to me that it is local and I just needed antibiotics. I am due to see him next week to tackle the anxiety.

15-11-13, 17:50

Bit of a story to tell. Went to a new GP today and they were excellent! He had a look at my wound and guess what....I have an infection. I froze but then he explained to me that it is local and I just needed antibiotics. I am due to see him next week to tackle the anxiety.

Glad to hear you found a GP that listens and is compassionate to your issues. Sounds like you have it under control and moving in the right direction. Keep up the good fight!

Positive thoughts

15-11-13, 17:56
Hey Sean - again well done for stepping up and doing what you gotta! Glad you've managed the news about the infection well and awesome news about your new doctor. Keep us informed of how you're doing :)

15-11-13, 17:58
Thanks for your comments. I was able to put it into perspective for first time in ages. I asked him if i may need another op and he said no as it's just a local infection and the antibiotics should kill it off. I am going to trust and listen to him and not google. End off.

15-11-13, 18:12
Willous am so pleased for you. Are things any easier with your wife as a result?

15-11-13, 18:12
Thanks for your comments. I was able to put it into perspective for first time in ages. I asked him if i may need another op and he said no as it's just a local infection and the antibiotics should kill it off. I am going to trust and listen to him and not google. End off.


15-11-13, 18:16
I know Andria it is brill isn't it. It is funny in the past week or two there has been a marked change of tone on this forum which a quite wonderful!

15-11-13, 18:21
Yep, slightly. We are all back together and I need to change for her. Khmer Nan is going through Cancer treatment at the moment and I need to realise that even though I have HA that I need to get better ASAP. I need to look at things logically. An infection at the site is not anything at all so why make it hundred times worse. My new life is starting today thanks to you guys and I'm going to look at this infection as the best thing that's happened to me as I can start learning to deal with things normally. Wow that sounds stupid.

---------- Post added at 18:21 ---------- Previous post was at 18:19 ----------

If I could see a few of you now I would make sure I have you massive hugs. Seriously, you guys are amazing.

15-11-13, 18:23
It is funny in the past week or two there has been a marked change of tone on this forum which a quite wonderful!

I obviously noticed it as well and something else interesting. Not just the tone of the posts but if you read past posts, it's as if the poster is an entirely different person. There's an air of defiance in the words as if to say FU anxiety! AND... it seems to be contagious....

I rather like it :)

15-11-13, 18:31
If I could see a few of you now I would make sure I have you massive hugs. Seriously, you guys are amazing.

I'd prefer a big fat slice of cake Sean :roflmao:

15-11-13, 18:35
I'd prefer a big fat slice of cake Sean :roflmao:

I would go for that! Although best avoid flapjack - you know what those pesky seeds can do ;)

15-11-13, 18:48
Ha yep, keep them seeds away from me.

15-11-13, 18:59
Just popping in (I'm actually on a deadline and had to ban myself from here today!) to say WELL BLOODY DONE SEAN!!

Absolutely awesome!

15-11-13, 19:03
Thank you Kate.

22-11-13, 09:16
Hi everyone, just been to the doctors and he was great. Told me that the infections gone and it's healing quicker that normal. The best thing though is the fact that the doctor took his time with me and will now be my only GP. I'm still worrying about stupid things but I've got a meeting with someone about my anxiety on Monday and have to start looking forward.

22-11-13, 09:24
Oh Sean how brilliant.

It's ok to still be having fears and wobbles. Look at any of our posts, we all have them!

The important thing is, you've started the journey. That takes balls so be mega proud of yourself.

22-11-13, 09:35
I don't know if you spend any time looking back through your old posts, but your turn around is quite remarkable. I think we all have to expect bumps in the road, but you sound like you are moving in such a positive direction.

Well done mate and keep us posted!