View Full Version : please help....my story .

14-11-13, 13:23
Hello please can anyone help & or offer advice ? Im feeling totally alone and I dont leave the house. 2 months ago I had a dull ache in my left arm. I noticed it had indented and so went to the drs who couldn't understand it so sent me for an xray all ok & it suddenly stopped aching so didnt pursue it under drs orders. A week later I started to get an eye twitch that progressed to my lip chin neck backs of legs . Not all the time but they were firing alot. Anxiety set in as I start goggling hour after hour. My twitches were so bad they even did it when I yawned. They then stopped until I saw one on my hand like something was under the skin. Yesturday backs of legs started & today my toes are moving by themselves its upsetting me so much goggling is saying ms ...yesturday my joints ached in my legs and as I type this my left arm is aching. Im so affraid of serious illness its a spiral of fear and going to my gp scares me . I contacted nhs direct who told me to go straight to walk I centre . I havent ....has anyone ever had thjs. Im scared I have a degenerative disease and im going to be deas and not see my kids grow up...I have never experienced such symptoms and my arm just adds to that worry. As I type this my shoulder is twitching I want it all to go away .

14-11-13, 14:14
That all sounds very common to me. I had my left eyelid start twitching so badly yesterday in the car I had to pull over. I often get crawling sensations on my lower legs, twitching in fingers and aches and pains all over my body.

First step is to never google anything. Almost any symptom you google will eventually lead to something serious or terminal.

I have a headache - Brain tumour
I have muscle twitches - MS
I have chest pains - Heart attack

None of which are likely in any way, and far better explained by the fact that you suffer from anxiety, which has exactly the same potential symptoms!

15-11-13, 07:49
I know what you mean re goggle but I really dont think its all stress related it cant be ....

15-11-13, 11:22
I really dont think its all stress related it cant be ....

Why is that?

If you look on this site alone instead of google, there are hundreds of people going through exactly the same thing as you that don't have anything medically wrong with them.

Unless you go to the GP and get the all clear, your fear will continue. It's not that bad once you get there :)

15-11-13, 18:07
Im going on monday...I havent really come across many people who have simalar symptoms to me

15-11-13, 18:34
Pepsi, I can certainly associate with the aching as I ache all over at the moment. I don't understand the physiology but I am coming the the conclusion that it is anxiety on a number of grounds:

- it wasn't something I had before being anxious
- it is all over and I can't think of anything that would cause aches bilaterally all over without some pretty hefty other symptoms
- I feel well apart from that
- they went away for five days after a sports massage and then I got anxious again and guess what!