View Full Version : Bit scared of taking antibiotics...

14-11-13, 14:21
So a few months ago I had a stomach bug that completely messed with my guts. To be honest, they're still not 100% back to what I'd call 'normal', but it's perfectly manageable now, so they're not causing me too much anxiety these days. Had lots of tests done, nothing serious, just probable mild post-infective IBS. Fair enough. And like I said, it's mostly fine now.

Thing is, I now have what the GP says is likely to be a sinus infection. I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago and she suggested the fairly standard sinus rinse, steroid nose spray, etc, and said to go back if I wasn't any better in a fortnight as it might need antibiotics. It's not better - perhaps very very slightly, but not enough - and I still have headaches most days, a weird poppy sensation in my right ear, tender glands on the right side, excess mucus coming down my throat, and a tightness/irritation in my throat (and I'm hot and sweaty at night, though that might be unrelated - could be stress, could also be hormonal as I'm in the first two months of taking the pill).

So I have an appointment with the GP again this evening. I'm kind of assuming from what she said last time that antibiotics are the next step. And I'm really concerned that they're going to mess my stomach up again. I've taken antibiotics before and all that happened was on the last couple of days of taking them, I had a few loose stools (TMI sorry!). If that's all that happens this time, that's completely fine. But with my guts already a bit sensitive, I'm worried that it'll just be a huge backwards step on that front and I'll be back to having really unpleasant digestive symptoms.

I don't know what to do for the best. I really don't want to take antibiotics unless they'll definitely work, but obviously there's no way of telling. But at the same time my sinus (?) symptoms are starting to worry me a bit as they're not clearing up, so I don't want to not take antibiotics if the doctor thinks I should. I'm getting ahead of myself, I know, as the doctor might not prescribe antibiotics, but I think it's the most obvious next thing. And although they say sinus infections tend to be viral, I've had a sinus infection that was cleared up by antibiotics in the past. Argh.

Can anyone share any experiences with antibiotics? Any joy with taking probiotics at the same time to try to keep the gut flora vaguely normal? Anything else I can try to minimize the chances of nasty gut symptoms with antibiotics? Or indeed - has anyone *not* taken antibiotics when it was suggested by their GP, and did you get over whatever it was on your own in the end?

14-11-13, 17:18
Hi I can relate to your thread in two ways, firstly I have a fear of taking meds, especially antibiotics and secondly I suffer from recurring sinus infections. If you are prescribed antibiotics then it makes sense to take them as obviously the GP thinks it is in your best interests, but I admit I was prescribed them earlier this year for a sinus infection and I didn't take them due to anxiety. My symptoms did not clear up and I ended up going back , getting some more and paying for another prescription, which I did take with no problems. I know it is fairly common to feel a bit 'yuck' after a course of antibiotics but have never tried the probiotic route before (might give it a go). I hope you get on ok at the doctors , you could always mention your fear of stomach issues from antibiotics with your GP and see if they can suggest anything.

14-11-13, 17:25
Thanks, appreciate the reply :) I must admit I'm not sure this is going to go away on its own so might have to bite the proverbial bullet if the doctor suggests it. Did the antibiotics clear up your sinus infection in the end, then? It just seems that current thinking is that antibiotics aren't that great for sinus infections, though I'm sure they did work for me a couple of years back... Docs in half an hour. Don't much like doc's appointments either to be honest!!

14-11-13, 17:36
Good luck with your appointment, yes the antibiotics did work for me, I had 10 days supply which is a lot but it had been going on for months and I was so fed up with the symptoms I had no choice but to take them. :)

14-11-13, 17:38
Hi Em,

Sometimes, taking an antibiotic is a necessary evil and you're probably going to have to "bite the bullet" so to speak and take them to clear up the infection if the doc says so. Everyone is different but it's not unusual to get a bit of a yuck from taking them. Most tell you to take them with food or milk but just follow what the pharmacist recommends and finish all unless told otherwise.

I've always taken antibiotics when prescribed without fail. My body just doesn't have the fire power to eradicate bacterial infections on it's own. I would ask about the pro-biotics if you're going to be taking antibiotics. It's always good advice to ask your doctor or pharmacist about any drug interactions with anything you're currently taking.

Good Luck and fell better

14-11-13, 19:18
Well, I was getting ahead of myself :)

I saw a different doctor (not by choice, mine is away for a fortnight). He was pretty thorough - took temperature, pulse, looked down my throat and in my ears and did a lot of 'and does this hurt here? is there tenderness here?' all round my face, head, and neck. He concluded I just have residual sinus congestion after a probably viral infection, rather than still actually having the infection, and hence no antibiotics required. When he looked down my throat he said 'oh yes, there's a lot of mucus there'. Lovely. So I'm on double dose of nasal steroids, and he says when it gets really congested up there (and especially when it's not coming down my nose 'forwards', which it isn't), it can hang around for a long time, so not to worry unless it lasts more than another 4 weeks. Thinking of trying guaifenesin - I've been avoiding the decongestants (phenylephrine/Sudafed) because they dry you out and that's not what I want, but guaifenesin seems to work by thinning the mucus, so going to give that a try.