View Full Version : Lets show the Admin/Mods some love

14-11-13, 16:36
This is a "just because" thread.

Just because - despite their own issues - their lives, their health problems, their own battles with their own personal version of this beast called anxiety - Nicola, Emma and co give so much of their own time (and, I've no doubt, finances) to provide this place for us all.

This place that provides such wonderful information and resources for us, a veritable treasure trove of informative goodness.

This place where we can post about our poo, our palpitations, our current brain tumours or heartattacks and get support.

This place where, whether we are starting our journey, recovered, relapsing, or just looking to be understood, we can meet supportive people and feel less alone.

It's got to feel like a thankless task some times. It takes a huge amount to run and moderate a board of this size. Yet they not only do that, but often come to give support in person to members in distress. They are amazing people.

Thank you very much to the team. This board changes lives and we all appreciate it so much.

Did I mention they let us post about our poo?

14-11-13, 16:50
Nic welcomed me to the boards and I appreciate her support and kind words as well as everyone's kind thoughts and words.

I live for the poo threads :D

14-11-13, 16:54
Ah yes, another thing to thank them for.

Without this board I would never have been introduced to "Philosophy and life according to Fishmanpa" with it's many LOL moments (and practical and supportive ones too - but mainly, I live for the LOL moments) :winks:

14-11-13, 18:25
Hear, hear Kate :)

And Fishman (how's the pregnancy coming along petal?) ...

I agree with every word of your post Kate, and I too am grateful for the opportunity to spend time on NMP, and think it wonderful that so many others also have the opportunity to seek help, support and reassurance.

Thank you verra much NMP team :hugs:

14-11-13, 20:30
I joined my first health anxiety community in 1999 when I was 22. Since then I have dabbled with several boards and I think this is one of the nicest and most supportive boards there is. I don't come here all that much when I'm in remission from HA which makes me feel a bit selfish, but I feel safe here and I know there are a few old faces who've been around as long as I have. The mods and admin do an amazing job, giving us all somewhere to go when nobody else understands.

14-11-13, 20:51
Hear, Hear Katie! :yesyes:xxx

14-11-13, 20:53
Agreed...flowers for everyone..:flowers::flowers::flowers:

by the way its nice to see some faces on the profiles..

14-11-13, 21:05
Here here :bighug1: hugs all round!

14-11-13, 21:15
Agreed and I think we should all show you love as well Kate. Yourself along with others are doing an incredible thing on here. People are in horrible places and people like yourself are taking your own time to talk to people and some have issues of their own.

14-11-13, 21:19
Awww thank you Kate and everyone else that has posted. We really appreciate it. :hugs:

I have a fab admin and chat mod team helping me keep NMP the lovely place that it is.

Did you know that NMP is 11 years old this month as well ! :yahoo:

It is funded by myself and any donations that come along and I will be asking for some help soon as we want to get a new chat room that can be used on phones/tablets etc and we will also be upgrading the forum.

We have some lovely members that also give up their time to help others and get nothing in return for it so THANK YOU to you all as well :yesyes:

Thank You all again.

14-11-13, 21:22
I will be more than happy to contribute. Think the whole forum is just incredible and one of a kind.

14-11-13, 21:28
I completely agree, I have not been around long but there has been a really positive tone about this forum recently which is awesome. (Said in a teenage girl Californian accent)

14-11-13, 21:33
Did you know that NMP is 11 years old this month as well ! :yahoo:

Ahem Would you like to read that back and think about what you wrote?? :winks:

Thank you so much all, It has been really hard for me in the past month as I am back to struggling with the demon that is panic and spent most of this evening in tears...... but it will not beat me!

I think that is where NMP comes into it's own..... it is run by anxiety sufferers for anxiety sufferers and we all know what you are going through and no matter if you are 'staff' (when do we get our pay cheques Nic????) or just members we are all treated the same when it comes to Panic......and the support goes both ways... so a big thank you to the members too :bighug1:

Emmz :flowers::flowers:

14-11-13, 21:43
Ooops I mean NMP is 12 LOL

It was started in 2001

14-11-13, 21:44
good job guys :)

14-11-13, 21:48
I've been here less than a month and have received so much support and encouragement. Truly a huge thank you to the NMP Team!

14-11-13, 21:53
Willous/Sean - thanks so much hon, that's such a kind thing to say!

Emmz - I'm so sorry you are having it so rough, it's amazing that you are able to do this despite it.

Nic - wow 12 years! Count me in for the fundraising. I was going to ask you if there was a way to donate without buying something (not that the products aren't great, my husband just thinks I own too much stuff). If there was a regular way of contributing I would - it's a far more worthy cause than the Richard the 3rd website I have a monthly dd with!

14-11-13, 21:58
it's a far more worthy cause than the Richard the 3rd website I have a monthly dd with!

Did you really just say that out loud? Makes my peeing in the sink story look better now :)

14-11-13, 22:03
Did you really just say that out loud? Makes my peeing in the sink story look better now :)

I nerd therefore I am

14-11-13, 22:09
There is a "Donate" link on the menu bar on the left for anyone that wants to help :yesyes:

I am not selling much in the shop now as the postage costs made it too much in the end

14-11-13, 22:13
There is a "Donate" link on the menu bar on the left for anyone that wants to help :yesyes:

I am not selling much in the shop now as the postage costs made it too much in the end

How on earth did I miss that!?? Looks like I need to add "can't see for looking" to my list of anxiety symptoms!

14-11-13, 22:19
:hugs::grouphug: when I've got spare cash I will defo donate to this tremendous free forum. I used to donate to Rethink ironically before I became a sufferer of mental health. Bizarre?

14-11-13, 22:21
:flowers::flowers::flowers::flowers::bighug1::bigh ug1:

15-11-13, 19:42
I would also like to thank the admin and mods for your hard work.

16-11-13, 09:56
Adding my voice to the others who have shared their thanks here :)

NMP is a great support when I post about something that worries me. It also gives me an outlet to spend time helping others instead of indulging in my own miseries, it's become almost like a hobby lol


16-11-13, 10:33
A labour of love indeed. God knows what it costs you Nic and apart from the money and the countless p.m.'s you get, the time involved.

Maybe other members could come up with some alternative ideas to raise money for NMP

We could have a raffle or something where a good proportion of the money goes to NMP and have a draw every month to create interest .