View Full Version : Worried about these head pains?

14-11-13, 22:39
I have had on going head pains for 10 years. I get them everyday, on and off and they always worsen when I look left and right, look up and down, and when I lie down.

Since I get head pains when I lie down, I make myself sleep almost sitting up but sometimes I wake up and I find myself sleeping lying down on my back. When this happens I always end up having this head pain in on certain spot for about 2 days. So it happened today and I have this dull head pain on the left upper side of my head. It hurts more when I put pressure on it, when I turn my head or move it a lot, when I bend down, but even just out of nowhere. Does anyone know if that could be related to a brain tumour? I'm really scared :(

---------- Post added at 17:39 ---------- Previous post was at 14:30 ----------


14-11-13, 22:42
If you've had them for 10 years I can safely say that they are not caused by a brain tumour….

14-11-13, 23:25
I would like to believe that but over the last 4 years my symptoms have gotten worse. Makes me think it's a slow growing one.

14-11-13, 23:28
Highly, highly unlikely. The first symptom is usually a fit.

Anyway, this is reassurance that is not going to help you in the long term.

14-11-13, 23:34
Did you get the MRI done?

15-11-13, 00:02
hi have you tried chiropractic adjustments it helps me. hope it gets better soon

15-11-13, 10:03
Have you had your eyes tested?x

16-11-13, 22:22
I haven't gotten an MRI. But yes Roxy, I went about a month ago to get my eyes tested, everything is fine :)

It's just annoying to get these pains! Like I find it incredibly hard to sleep in a comfy position as I'm sleeping almost sitting up and on my back. :(

16-11-13, 22:27
Ok you should see an osteopath then I reckon

17-11-13, 09:16
I have to agree with the other posts, the chances of having something sinister with symptoms going on for 10 years are extremely unlikely. I have had similar problems with recurring head and facial pain being caused by tension and stress in neck and shoulder area. I went to a physio who helped . :)

18-11-13, 03:05
I try to tell myself that it can't be something sinister. But I worry because of hot identical my symptoms are to a BT :( like what could cause constant clicking on ears when I swallow? Or twitching and sometimes buzzing feelings in my limbs :(

Would it be neck related if my neck doesn't even hurt?

18-11-13, 08:18
Possibly Jen, I never had neck pain much , just one side head ache, sometimes ear pain, as you probably know I pestered the GP until I got an MRI he said it would come back normal and it did. I know for a fact that doctor's know the 'red flag' signs with something like a brain tumour and they would have you in the hospital the same day for a scan.

18-11-13, 20:39
Thanks so much for writing on here. You have no idea how greatly appreciated it is hearing positive comments. :)
I would get an MRI but I'm so scared for it, plus I'm unable to lay flat on my back because of the pain and pressure I get in my forehead.
The pain I get when I turned my head, such as I turn my head right I get right sided pains, turn my head left I get left sided ones, bothers me so much as they are very painful and don't stop until I look straight ahead. They are mostly in my forehead and top of my head. I also feel that pressing on the spot relieves the pain for a little while, although it hurts when I press it :(

Ever had anything like that?

18-11-13, 20:45
Jenn did you go see a dentist about TMJ?

Or ever consider going to physio for the muscle pain? Do you spend ages looking at your phone/tablet/laptop?

18-11-13, 20:52
I've spoken to my dentist about TMJ before. I already have a mouth guard, and I've even brought it up with my doctor but he didn't think much of it. I'm probably 100% sure I have it either way, as my jaw constantly clicks and sometimes locks, I even grind my teeth and have been doing so since I was young.

Still don't see how that can cause head pains with turning my head or laying down.

18-11-13, 21:12
Muscle tension, from tmj and aggravated by anxiety, can explain a lot.

Maybe you need to revisit your dentist or do some home treatment for the tmj?

18-11-13, 21:13
Do you know any home treatment for TMJ?

And it's so hard to believe what anxiety can do to you!

18-11-13, 21:22
- a soft diet, avoid chewy or crunchy foods for a few weeks
- apply heat to the face, neck & head with a microwaveable heat pack
- tmj exercises & massage done daily, you'll find videos on YouTube
- anti inflammatory medications
- avoid opening the jaw wide, yawning for example
- if you grind your teeth at night talk to your dentist
- daily relaxation exercises to reduce stress and relax muscles
- taking care of posture, don't sit for long periods bent over a phone or tablet or using your computer
- proper sleep posture, don't sleep on your stomach

When you are anxious your muscles will tighten, the jaw muscle in particular can get tight. If you grind your teeth in your sleep it can make the problem worse. The tension in your jaw can have a knock on effect on the muscles in your scalp, neck, face, shoulders, back, arms and chest. It can cause lots of strange symptoms, I gave you a link to a list already.

You've got to take action now Jenn, you've been going over & over these same worries for too long now.

18-11-13, 21:27
Wow, I will definitely do everything you listed. Thank you so much!! :hugs: