View Full Version : Brain Tumor

Wombat Overlord
14-11-13, 22:06

Over the past month or so I have become increasingly certain that I am developing some sort of tumor or cavernous sinus thrombosis in my head. Firstly I'd like to state that I am fully aware of the symptoms of anxiety in regards to the head, and have experienced almost all of them at one time or another. That being said, I am fairly certain that my new symptoms are the result of something real and much more severe. What started out as sharp pains behind my right eye when coughing or bending over has lead to a constant and increasing intracranial pressure towards the top and sides of my head, accompanied by cognition impairment and slight vision changes. My symptoms are as follows:

- Intense and steadily increasing (over the last week or so) pressure in the front, top, and sides of my head
- Dizziness, light-headedness, and a general "dullness" of the mind
- Slight cognitive impairment, almost as if I am becoming dyslexic
- Vision changes: not necessarily blurry or double vision, but more of a strange disillusionment associated with sight; also I cannot read as well at moderate/far away distances
- Personality changes: generally just feeling dumber or less involved
- Weakness in certain parts of body (arms, neck, etc.)

The pressure is the main thing that worries me, as I have experienced pressure in my head before due to anxiety but it has never persisted for this long. I have been having to take time off of work recently because I simply do not feel sharp enough to communicate with customers (I am a waiter). I went to the ER 3 days ago and the doctor also seemed moderately concerned, but prescribed my amoxycillin and told me it was probably a sinus infection. However, I have only very slight congestion and nasal discharge, and the pressure I feel is not centered around my sinuses. I am very worried that I have developed either some sort of tumor or that I may have Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis. I have been an anxiety sufferer for quite some time now, and can usually discern between real and potentially threatening symptoms and those caused solely by my anxiety (which can be or seem quite real as well). Anyways my doctor told me that if the amoxycillin did not have an effect on me within a week that he wanted me to return for a CT scan (lucky me, seeing as I have no insurance). However I am just worried that if I have Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis or something similar, which can be fatal in just a matter of days if left undiagnosed, that I may inflict permanent damage to my brain if I even wait that long.

Anyways, I am trying to remain positive but cannot seem to cope with the increasing pressure and other scary and real symptoms that I am having. Any feedback or personal relation would be greatly appreciated, but either way, thank you for taking the time to read my story!


14-11-13, 23:32
Aleksander - I have no way of knowing what is wrong with you, not precisely, as I'm not a medic. However I do believe that it's entirely possible that your symptoms are a lot less deadly than you think and that you do have a good does of anxiety disorder.

I'd take the antibiotics and see how they work for now. I have sinus trouble occasionally and I can tell you that it's unpleasant. Painful, pressure, stuffed up, worsens when lying down or leaning forward, it's awful.

Try and leave the diagnosis to the doctors (you guys must be real good at using Dr Google because sometimes I've never heard of half of what folks think they've got!) and allow your tablets to work, your body to heal and recover. All being well you'll not need the scan that you're not insured for!

I hope you're feeling a bit calmer now. The trick is not to assume the worst :)

Wombat Overlord
15-11-13, 05:24
Yeah it's just that I've had sinus infections before and they've never felt like this and they were usually located, you know, in my sinuses. Also it doesn't hurt at all it's just a toooon of pressure. We will see how I feel tomorrow, gonna attempt to get some sleep right now if possible. Thanks for responding!

15-11-13, 08:00
Have you had your eyes tested? Headaches, dizziness and vision impairments can be signs of eye strain. I had the same things and this is what mine has boiled down to x

15-11-13, 08:20
I'd agree with Roxy - if you haven't had your eyesight tested, that would be a good plan. I would also say, though - I've had sinus infections without having the classic symptoms and without even feeling like my nose was particularly 'stuffy'. Just headaches, tiredness, pressure, and dodgy ears. No obvious congestion. And there are lots of 'sinuses', not just the obvious ones directly by your nose.