View Full Version : Getting driving

15-11-13, 00:13
hi all I hope your doing as best I can im slighty confused as I fell getting back to driving is slightly confusin first of ive spent 175 on getting my ban reduced then I have to spend 90 to get my licence back then 110 on an up coming medical this has made down as it it but if I fail the medical it will cost me another 110 and u cant do it for another 6 months which made the driving corse a waste of time and the 90 surley your better of paying 110 for the medical then doing the other bits than another free medical before your about to drive just before your about to drive,
as it stands I don't drink at all anymore havnt for ages and wont be again just playin loads of sports to keep me busy my anxiety levels and depression is on the rise a bit as the medical creeps closer the reason being prescription meds I no these guys don't like valium ive come down from 60 mg to 20 over a year and plan to cut another 5 mg's this week I also take 50 mg of quatipine and 150 mg 2 hours before bed , I don't ever feel drowsy but is he gunna by that one shining light is I saw my pyschatrist for the first time in ages he couldn't believe how much better I was and wrote this in a letter to my gp he did put a felt under pressure to tell Dylan he was putting me under pressure to drive again(which I asnt to keen on ) but put if I was asked if I I think max is ready to drive I would heave to say YES the reason being he is mentally stable and hasn't drank for so long,
I saw a dr at my local surgery he also put I have no problem in max driving at all he;s so much better 11% of prople fail the medical will I be one of them????

15-11-13, 10:48
We cannot answer that question for you, that is up to the people who will assess your condition. By the sounds of it it's likely that you will pass, if the psychiatrist and GP are happy with your condition, but nobody here can give you a definite answer.