View Full Version : Tips anyone?

15-11-13, 08:44
Hi I have work today and I'm so anxious, any tips to help me relax so can go on to work with out breaking into a panic attack?

15-11-13, 08:57
This one I use all the time at work if I'm stressed or anxious, it works really well and no one will even notice you doing it:

7/11 Breathing - breathe in for 7 counts & breathe out for 11 counts. Continue on gently for a few minutes and it will change the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body to help you feel much more relaxed. This was one my CBT therapist taught me, I find it very helpful at times when you're surrounded by people.

15-11-13, 09:17
Whenever you feel fine, concentrate on how good you feel. Being positive works well for me (ah I see your signature :D). You can also rub your ears, helps get the endorphin's flowing.