View Full Version : i dont know how to cope

07-11-06, 05:35
Lately i've done the most stupidest thing, i've gone of my meds and started to drink to be happy but have ended up sad[Sigh...] io dont know how to cope with it anymore, i feel so low i feel liek crying i just feel sick to my stomach

07-11-06, 09:05
Hi wonderfly,you need to get to your gp pet.Drinking is not the answer.It makes you more anxious and more depressed.Did you just stop the meds or did you reduce it slowly?Please get some help,turning to drink wont help you,it makes you happy at the time but then you sink deeper into depression when it wears off.

Ellen XX

07-11-06, 09:24
Hi Wonderfly


I am sooo sorry to hear how you are feeling but believe me drink is not the answer, you may feel happy at first, but then you need more and more to keep that happy going.

Please wonderfly, go back to your GP and ask for help. This site is a great place to be, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.

First steps,

First steps for overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=firststeps)



07-11-06, 09:24
Hi there wonderfly
What a really nice name!!
Having a cry is fine but as Ellen says watch out for the booze...it is a depressant so it will not help.....the lift it gives is very short term and will not help you.

Stopping meds straight away is also not to good for you as your body needs time to adjust.

There is loads of help, advice and most importantly support in here. People will look out for you, albeit virtually but knowing someone is listening and caring is pretty powerful stuff.

You need to get back to your GP and look for some referral for extra help.

Take care Wonderfly....you are not alone


Laissez les bon temp roulez

07-11-06, 10:17
Oh hun,been there done that!It is not the answer ,and you know in your heart i think!Go back to your dr and explain how you feel .You may need a different mecication.I came off anti depressants so i could drink instead OH BIG MISTAKE!!!TRUST ME!!The pain is stillthere when you get sober isnt it?Here if you want to talk ,pm me if you want to.Now make that appointment ,PLEASE!Love Mary Rose.xxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

07-11-06, 19:54
Hi Wonderfly!

A BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here im sure you will get some great advice here while making new friends on the way!:D



07-11-06, 22:52
this morning i woke up and tried to look for my meds...i cant find them...what really sucks about my job is my boss wont allow me to go to see my counsellor....personally i think thsi is really stupid...i also have a co-worker that 'everyone has depression therefore its normal' what is normal!? i would really like to meet this 'normal' coz i never encountered it before! it makes it hard here coz i get sad easy...i was talking to my bf last night...he has mild depression too so he understands how i feel sometimes, we were talking about my 'surival methods' i have, if im in a situation that i cant handle my mind almost switched off, i almost cant hear him and i feel like a burden sometimes i hate being this way, it makes me so unproductive, i cant remeber things cause my mind dosn't register it...

08-11-06, 17:10
Hi Wonderfly and welcome aboard.

Lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

08-11-06, 17:42
hi there sorry your so low please dont drink ive been there and it isnt the answer you need to see your gp , i hope you soon get well love sue xx

09-11-06, 00:21
Hello wonderfly iv only been on here for a few days but its one of the best steps iv taken it will work out for you take care [^]Debra

09-11-06, 15:07
i think this may be illegal??How can they stop you receiving the help you need?What happened to human rights??MMMMMM!i WOULD GOT OT A UNION ABOUT IT!!Well phone them upany way[not that brave,just angry for you!]Try and find your meds.Ever so proud of ya for starting them again,BUT it has to be a regular course or it wont work!!Love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore