View Full Version : my poor heart

15-11-13, 10:40
hi all i just thought id post in more detail whats going on with my heart well ill start by saying iv akways had the fluttering since i was 17 im 31 now but a couple of month ago they seemed to get worse and they always feel differnt or change i have only felt the thud after the stopped feelin a few times to im not sure they are even ectopics if i dont feel the thund i get the freqent ones whitch come every few mins when bad they just feel like a small flutter of tickle in my chest i get the larger ones that seem to come in runs of maybe 4 to8 fluttering feelings that kind of make me want to burp and when i do seems to stop for a min or two also i can get very powerfull ones that feel like a violent pressure drop in my chest or like your heart has just been sucked away by a hoover these are horrible and make me very panicy but are not as freqent as the smaller one the long flutters scare me to espesially the one i had the other day when starting my 10mg citalopram that was the worsed butterflies burpy flutter i ever had it made me feel weak faint and im sure i was a gonner well thats the ectopics explained a little also have noticed in the last few weeks more chest dicomfort and now it seems my body has become to run hotter than before like when i exert myself its easy to break into a sweat even with the cold weather iv been swaeting a lot when walking and doing things in bed im hotter and sweat more this has been going on for weeks now the ectopic the sweating chest discomfort been to ane afew times been to docs millons of times same answer anxiety always anxiety is there anyone out there can relate to this id love to hear from u ps sorry about the terible spelling and grammer also im awaiting results of a 6 day cardiac event monitor but feel i wont even live that long to see whats wrong i just know im gonna go into a vf or somthing like that my heart cant keep doing this and getting away with it thank u all for reading take care out there:weep:

15-11-13, 12:16
Hi there, I am sorry you are in the middle of this at the moment. I am sure you will feel more reassured when you get your results back, but the meantime can I tell you that I had these ectopics for as many years as you and longer... they were so bad that there was hardly any pause between the runs and I couldn't sleep for them. I believe that they are really early beats (as opposed to missed beats) and because one is early, it seems a wait for the next normal one , if that makes sense. You can read about them on this site anyway.
I have now just had my 70th birthday and have few or none for the last 5yrs or so. They have not done any damage to my heart and I still do exercise classes and walk a lot. There were some tips on here a few years ago and the two that worked best for me were.....100% Pure Purple Grape juice and the conscious act of telling them to shuffle off 'cos they were not important to me and I was just gonna ignore them! I know this might sound basic, and when they were at their height I was scared too, but I just want you to know that they can go away and after all your tests are clear, that they really cannot harm you. Hugs XXX:hugs:

15-11-13, 12:37
Thank u very much for the kind words ill be sure to tell em to shuffle of next time I get then and when these results come back I hope it will close the case on them so I can get my life back I'm sick of living in fear so much so it's making me very depressed but hopefully I can change that thank u once again sorry it's late but happy birth day