View Full Version : 3 weeks...... Blip??

jenny kilden
15-11-13, 13:39
Hi all, been on my upped dose of 15 mg for 3 weeks, week one was good, week 2 was very tired and waking with dread and anxiety, week 3 getting better again, no dream on waking etc.... But now the last 2 days I've felt rotten again!!
Anxiety on waking, dread not hungry again....??
Why now??
Feel like I'm going backwards!!! X

15-11-13, 16:09
Hi Jenny

I had the same waking was my worse time of the day for a while but it does get better in time

23-11-13, 10:15
Just his this point myself too. :weep: How annoying.

25-11-13, 08:43

This is just your body adjusting . The meds work very gradually . I started taking mine in May and was up and down till at least August. Morning times can be horrible but push yourself on. If I couldn't eat I'd have a bananna or a cereal bar and yoghurt. Keep eating and keep busy. Even if you feel as if your just going through the motions. Doing normal day to day stuff will get you through this.

26-11-13, 10:00
Very reassuring to hear this. This weekend has been awful. Managed to get myself into work this morning though as I figured spending the day occupied and with people would help. Thankfully work have been incredibly supportive through this even though I'm about as useful as a inflatable dart board.

Still got no appetite this morning and waking up is still fairly horrific.

jenny kilden
27-11-13, 21:52
Day 10 on my upped dose of 20mg and I'm feeling ok, think I'm coming down with a cold again tho , sore throat, sniffing and sneezing..... Which brings you down anyway.
For the past week I've been really good, I've been taking the children to school and heading straight to the gym where I do a class followed by a swim, sauna,steam , shower and a coffee as a little treat. And it has really help improve my mood and anxiety(side effects)
If you can I would definitely recommend going to the gym or just getting some exercise, it really does seem to help.
Got my 1st cbt session next Thursday too, so I'm looking forward to that.
Hope everyone is ok and battling forward x

29-11-13, 14:45
That's great news . Exercise certainly helps. I go swimming every day now and take the dogs for long walks at the weekend or jsut go for a run. You may be fragile for a few weeks but i gurantee things will settle

29-11-13, 14:51
Great job, Jenny! Sounds like you are doing many great things for yourself.