View Full Version : Even Google is telling me its nothing to worry about!

15-11-13, 14:27
Hi I've only recently joined the forum following some wild googling of various niggles and strange sensations and of my latest 2 (strange shaped ribs and tiny red pin prick size dots on arm both of which I've had for as long as I can remember) on both counts even Google didn't seem flooded with sinister reasons and overwhelmingly suggests these are both common loads of people have similar things and are happy healthy people -just hope I can stay to see some sense and stop incessantly checking this out and worrying unduly! I am on a waiting list for cbt can't wait to start and hopefully gain some rational perspective -funny how I seem more willing to believe theto bad/horror stories on Google yet not the its fine type of information! Is this anxiety at play?

15-11-13, 14:32
Har it's so rare that Dr Google will tell you there's nothing to worry about, that really you should trust that there's nothing to worry about! If you're not coming up with a Daily Mail article that terrifies you then you really, really know that it's time to let it go! lol

You're looking for something to worry about, the CBT will help you with that. While you're waiting for your therapy to start you can work on it a bit yourself. Relaxation exercises in your daily life is a good way to start, something like meditation, guided meditations or yoga. Something to still your body and mind. It will help!

15-11-13, 14:53
Thank you for a lovely reply -I've been checking out some of the mindfulness techniques and I think I could really respond well to that and like you say it's is time to let go of these!

15-11-13, 19:12
I'm with Honey, if you've not stumbled across a daily mail article that scares the living daylights out of you then you're ay-okay! :).

There's nothing wrong with you har, enjoy your life! x

15-11-13, 20:11
I feel sometimes like I am trying but getting nowhere! If I put health worries to bed then all my other irrational worries take their place -I have to break this cycle! Because that is all it is!