View Full Version : Worried

15-11-13, 17:42
Why am I feeling derealised when I dont feel particulary anxious ! Is this really anxiety or could it be something else ?

15-11-13, 18:25
No, it is nothing else...nothing sinister.

It is just underlying anxiety. Even when we feel relatively calm and relaxed, subconsciously something is still off-balance with us anxiety-wise. It is the mind's way of telling us we are still anxious. It does this by trying to remove us mentally from the anxiety, and that is what creates the 'unreal' feeling.

Depersonalisation/derealisation is more long lasting when you keep paying it attention. If you stay grounded in reality as much as possible by carrying through with your daily routine and very importantly, keep mixing with familiar people and in familar environments/surroundings, it WILL calm down, I assure you. x

15-11-13, 18:30
Thank you debs x You are my voice of reason. I am pushing myself to do normal stuff but because I feel bad it puts me off and starts me worrying agin!!!

15-11-13, 19:10
No probs hun.

Deperson/dereal always scares me, even years down the line having it, so I sympathise greatly.

It is (in my opinion) one of the hardest symptoms to deal with, as it makes you feel so spaced out and weird, and I totally get what you mean about it getting in the way.

It's tough...very tough...but it can be got rid of, I promise hun! xxx

16-11-13, 11:05
Don't not do things you enjoy because of fearing worry. That is what stops you living your life. If you want to read a book, do it, if you want to bake, do it. Doing something you enjoy and what keeps your mind busy will keep the anxiety at bay, and if it comes back, so what, plough forward!