View Full Version : Can shingles strike twice in three months?

07-11-06, 07:49
Hi all,

About three months ago, I had shingls across my chest, which was painfull, apparently due to stress/anxiety.

Well, I appear to have another rash down my neck and shoulders ache and my worst symtom of all "The HEADACHE" is back.

Can shingles appear again this quick and I guess it's not worth seeing the doctor because last time I went there was nothing they can do untill it clear?


07-11-06, 08:39
Hi Red

I am sorry to hear how you are feeling hun. Sorry, I don't know if you can get shingls again.

You say its not worth going to the GP again becasuse last time there was nothing they could do, BUT, your GP did do something, he/she gave you peace of mind. Knowing what you are dealing with can help us alot. Can you talk to your GP on the phone and ask his/her advice.

Hope you are feeling better soon



07-11-06, 11:02
I believe shingles can reoccur, as it is a virus that remains dormant in your body. But why not go along to your GP and get a diagnosis? Even if they can't treat it, sometimes it helps to be reassured as to what it is. It might also be worth building up your immune system with multi vitamins, especially vitamin C, if you don't already take any.


07-11-06, 11:36

I have tried and tried to get in my doctors and they have given my a date of the 28th November, it's just a joke.


29-03-09, 17:30
I've had shingles for over nine months. Fortunately not too bad I think. I've taken medication and vitamin injections B12 It nearly goes away and then comes back. No idea why and no point in going back to GP. Any help out there?

19-06-13, 19:09
Hello, I have had shingles since 2006 every month without fail and it's horrible!
No use going to the doc because it can't be cured, it's in your body lying dormant. Try not to worry. :winks:

19-06-13, 19:25
My dad had shingles about ten years ago and it comes back every so often when he is stressed or run down. There are anti viral drugs that he takes (don't know what they are called but he gets them from the docs) and when he feels and attack coming on he takes them straight away and is usually well again within a week. The first time it recured he didn't take the medicine and was ill again for ages.

19-06-13, 19:32
I had shingles twice in one year. Tell the receptionist at the doctors you think you have shingles again. If you can catch it early you can get meds for it which make it clear quicker and less painful. The meds have to be taken early though so it is important for your doctor to see you soon.

19-06-13, 19:56
You are both right, you can take aciclovere (probably spelt wrong) but this just alleviates the problem. I dont relish the thought of being on pharmaceutical drugs for the rest of my life if I can cope (which I can)

The drug does help its true, you can take a low dose continuously to alleviate the problem or when you feel the tingle hit it hard with a higher dose.

I feel for all the poor sufferers out there!

Much love x