View Full Version : Thought it was time to register

15-11-13, 19:35
Hi there,

A little bit of background about me is that I have struggled with my mental health difficulties for a long time. It began with depression and anxiety, which then got diagnosed as borderline personality disorder, and I'm in recovery from Anorexia.

I've always been able to manage my anxiety to an extent, it's just in the last few months it seems to have taken on a life of it's own, and it isn't so much the mental side which I am finding hard to handle but the physical symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, chest pains and lots of other weird sensations. I am constantly thinking that my body is just going to give up on me, or something is going to go wrong with it.

So I guess that's me for now. It's nice to meet you.


15-11-13, 20:21
:welcome:you will find lots of help and support here

blue moon
16-11-13, 10:27
Nice to meet you to Ness,and welcome.
Petra :D

16-11-13, 16:12
Thank you :)

17-11-13, 18:35
Hi Nessmonstor, like yourself I could handle the anxiety if it wasnt for the physical symptoms. Hope you start to feel better soon. Take care x

17-11-13, 21:53
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.