View Full Version : Back again with a ........

07-11-06, 09:01
lying in bed this morning and started to feel really panicky, could feel my heart starting to race, palpitations then had to rush to the loo ( least my anxiety keeps me regular:)
Have had quite stressful time recently, was suffering with my stomach,doc thought maybe an ulcer, went in for an endoscopy, discovered i had the heli infection but other than that it was fine , had myself convinced i had stomach and liver cancer.
Had a mole removed that had changed, convinced myself i was dying of skin cancer and guess what it came back fine.
Then recently have been getting throat spasms a kind of tingling stinging sensation a feeling of a tablet sticking in my throat. Went to my doctors yesterday and he had a good look and feel of my neck said everything was fine as i had had a previous endoscopy not that long ago , said it could be acid reflux even without the burning and it would eventually go away i'm not convinced though.
I'm really fed up feeling this way i'm obsessing over every little health thing its so tiring , does anyone else get like this? I look from head to toe for every little thing ,now i've found a white spot below my tooth in my lower jaw (dentist on thursday) convinced its the start of mouth cancer, even though its probably just the root of a tooth pushing through i hope!!
I seem to have a right anxiety at the moment about cancer related illnesses. I am getting CBT at the moment but i've only had 2 sessions so far and its not helping, but its early days, i just feel so exhausted worrying all the time.
Anyway just felt i had to get this off my chest and its helped a little to calm me down. [:X]

07-11-06, 09:21
Hi there,I know exactly how you feel.A few months ago I had a major panic attack,after that I kept waking up like you,all the same symptoms and rushing to the loo,no 2s[:I].Things have settled down a bit now.
Its all that horrid anxiety.The white spot you have is probably a little mouth ulcer,try not to worry,easier said than done I know.
I had the endoscopy to,everything was fine.All down to anxiety!!!!!:(
Iv had cameras in both ends and all were ok.Iv learnt now its all down to anxiety.Mind you its taken about 20 years for me to realise this.
Im sure you will be ok,Im still here!!!!!!!!!![:P]

Ellen XX

07-11-06, 09:33
Hey kittycat

Get as much as you want off your chest, many of the folks in here can relate to what you are saying on the health front...I certainly have had similar thoughts and still do to a degree.

I believe we can be influenced strongly by how we are thinking and I have often asked this of my GP....sometimes he just looks at me but I think he is now relating to what I'm saying. Obviously its best to get stuff checked.

There is loads of help, advice and support here where you can freely talk stuff over , including your cbt experiences.

Take care Kc


Laissez les bon temp roulez

07-11-06, 09:51
I know just how you feel. I have had many different worries about all sorts of symptoms and it does wear you out. If you can, try not to go looking for things as you will definitely find something or other that you will misinterpret as being the sign of something bad. It is just that we are so aware and highly sensitive to anything that we see as not "normal" that we automatically jump to the wrong conclusion. I often think that other people would not give a second thought to the things that I worry about and wish that I could be like that too.

Hope you are feeling a bit better. You are not alone.

07-11-06, 10:16
thanks all for your advice,
I thought i was alone with all my worries , didn't realise that it was such widespread . It helps to know that other people are experiencing the kind of same problems as myself, i don't think doctors still fully understand how this pulls you down and can affect you. I'm sure my doctor thinks i'm quite barmy.
It helps to know that i can talk to all you folks though, i'm so glad i found this site , thanks all:D

07-11-06, 17:25
hi Kittycat
welcome to the club none of us want to be members of [the health anxiety club] lol ,i know what your your going thru m8,ive had this problem for years im fine untill i get any symptom of unwellness then im convinced im about to turn my toes up and panic for england! the point is im still here even after dying a thousand deaths,anxiety cuases soo many symptons and really plays you up even when you have got something minor wrong with you, i keep getting headaches and dizzzy spells from time to time normally when im stressed and now after a long time fretting im beginning to realise its anxiety coupled with a slight sinus problem, after much counselling and holistic therapys my health anxiety is slowly begining to fade also since finding this site ive definatley got better,you will as well im sure
the walk of a thousand miles has to start with a single step
good luck

07-11-06, 21:28
Hi Kitty Kat, you are definitely not alone, as you can see. i have had similar worries in the past. i am on meds now which have really helped to deal with my health worries. I have also had some thought retraining and that has helped me. You are in early days yet but please try and remember that you are still here, for all the worries in the past you are still OK. I have had 'cancer' so many times and i am still here!
I found it very helpful to write down my worry, get the info from the dr and write that down asap after the visit. then when the doubts come back read the truth and remind myself that my thoughts are lying to me. Remember that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real.
Keep going you will overcome just hang in there

Take care

'This too will pass'