View Full Version : back and pelvic pain

16-11-13, 06:59
Since June I have had pain at the back of my hip, sort of at the side of my lower back. As well at that, I have aching and shooting pains intermittently in my lower pelvis, really low down. All this pain is on the right hand side. I have shooting pains down the back of my leg on that side too.
I'm terrified that I have a tumor growing in my uterus that is causing all these pains. I also have weird periods, longer than usual with back pain and pain during ovulation. I also wonder about endometeriosis which I guess would be a lot better than cancer. I have been twice to the doctor and I saw two different people who basically weren't interested. I am seeing my own GP next week.

16-11-13, 08:18
Cat - in all the time you've been on NMP you have run a gamut of fears relating to different life-threatening illnesses. If you really were suffering from all of them you would now be something of a medical miracle.

I also note that you've said you've resigned yourself to the one illness that you do have. Why is that? Would you resign yourself to a broken leg or pneumonia? Anxiety disorder is curable, you can live a life without it being a part of your life so?

My advice is to really think about how to tackle your illness. Have a frank discussion with your doctor. Express just how much you want to recover. If you've already tried treatment and meds then revisit what hasn't worked and devise a new plan of action.

You don't need to live a life that involves these awful, exhaustive cycles. Take care of yourself the same way that you do for you family, you deserve it :hugs:

16-11-13, 08:23
Thank you Andria. Last year I had telephone CBT which didn't work for me, although face to face CBT has been really helpful in the past. I would really like to go into psychotherapy as I am 36 now and have had an anxiety disorder since childhood; not diagnosed but looking back I can see how anxiety affected me from a young age. I also think meds have helped me a lot in the past but am trying to hold off them until we have completed our family. We are thinking about trying for a third child in the new year, although I have a lot of anxiety around that too. Maybe I need to dig out some of the old self help books and try to put myself back on track. Lately I have not even tried to deal with my anxiety, I've just fixated in my pelvic issues.

16-11-13, 08:40
Cat your honesty is a great start. Talk with your doctor. Are you ready for another child and the hormonal blitzkrieg? I'm not telling you what to do so much as guide you re what it is you're taking on. You're not well, period. Would you consider becoming pregnant if you knew you'd got diabetes and it wasn't under control?

Mental health is just as real, just as important. Make that appointment and discuss your options with your doctor. You need to be whole to raise a family :)