View Full Version : today is going to be a good day

16-11-13, 09:12
I have decided that today I am going I challenge the negative intrusive unhelpful thinking habits I have ingrained in me. I decided this when I woke up and felt very low and found myself thinking another day of feel full of anxiety and self checking for some new lump, bump, blemish, a new worry, some microscopic indication that something is seriously wrong with me physically or mentally (surely that sentence alone should tell me how it off hand this has all become) anyway somewhere from some place I found a thought that said why does it have to be a bad day surely I get to choose how I feel sometimes so why can't I choose that today -well this really did brighten me up and quietened my mind a little -since getting up properly I have found I am smiling and even my husband noticed and gave me a huge hug while I was washing the breakfast dishes. ....... Maybe positive affirmations can work just to help get perspective on things. ..... really hope so. ......ive got to survive Christmas shopping today! :rolleyes:

16-11-13, 10:58
What a breath of fresh air to read this :D

It's fantastic that you're going to seize the day. You are absolutely right, you can control whether you are going to have a good day or not, it's down to your attitude. I hope you have a fantastic day Christmas shopping (which reminds me.......) and make sure you treat yourself today ;) you deserve it!