View Full Version : Vivid dreams!!

Miss lexx
16-11-13, 12:28
Hi All

I'm after a little advice. I am currently on 30mg of citalopram and since starting this medication I have been having really vivid dream/nightmares. They seem so really and I feel real feelings in the dreams.. It sound weird and it's hard to explain but it's really unsettling especially when I think about the dreams during the day. I can't understand why they feel so real and it makes me really anxious. Obviously I know they are only dreams but it's the feelings attached to the dream that disturbs me.. Just wondered if there is anyone else that gets these feelings with dreams or have any advice.. X

16-11-13, 13:04
i get really vivid dreams all the time and im not on any meds. I think its anxiety or depression that does it. I woke up today feeling really sad because of a dream i had! Ive had really vivid dreams since i was little though, they can freak u out sometimes but i think everyone gets it at some point. Hope your ok x

16-11-13, 13:52
Hi Miss lexx

Another member posted recently about vivid dreams too. Here is the link for a read:


Vivid or weird dreams seem to be very common with meds, particularly during the initial stages of taking them. I had very real, clear, freaky dreams when I first started Escitalopram.

Just wanted you to know your're not alone, and they are not unheard of, but the link will give you many more opinions:hugs:! xxx

16-11-13, 16:19
Citalopram and Seroxat gave me vivid dreams, they are a common symptom of those types of medication. Once your body is used to the medication they'll lessen and disappear.

16-11-13, 16:26
I'm on citalopram as well and I do get very vivid dreams sometimes. However, I've had vivid dreams for most of my life, even before I was on meds. I think it has made the dreams more intense though.

Sometimes if I have a particularly bad or scary dream, I feel anxious or low during the dream and then it affects my mood when I wake up in the morning. I usually find that once I start doing things, it's taken off my mind and then I don't feel so bad. I think it's important to try not to dwell on the dreams too much.

17-11-13, 14:13
Hi Miss Lexx

I'm on the same boat, my GP has put me on 2mg of diazepam three times a day and this morning i woke up after having one of the most vivid dreams i've ever had, and that's just one of many, my sleep pattern is heavily disturbed which i think has a big part to play plus the racing mind of course, still freaks me out during the day but as sparkle says that will be the dwelling on it so i need to stop that to lol....

Meds will give you those dreams at the early stages, but also poor sleep pattern will aswell.

Thought i'd just let you know you're not alone too x

Take care M lexx.