View Full Version : Symptoms of Bowel Cancer.

16-11-13, 14:12
Okay, I know this sounds ridiculous but i have been getting myself in such a state that I Have Bowel Cancer. I have had stomach pains for the last 9 months and I have had blood tested, the doctor has said it is IBS.

They have given me tablets for this, that dont really apear to be doing anything as im still getting pains. I have also lost over a stone. I have had a loss of apetite, although the last month i have been eating more.

last time i went to the doc they said if there was no improvement they will give me scans, but now i am really freaked out about the scans i know the chances of Bowel cancer is very low in my age group (lower than the risk from the scans.. which is why having the scans is making me so worried).

I know its wrong to google, but i keep reading all of these things about young people and bowel cancer and how it almost always gets misdiagnosed with IBS..:shrug: I think what worries me the most is the fact that the doctor hasnt ruled it out so i know theres a chance that I could have it however ridiculous it sounds. I often feel tired and achy and frequently need the toilet.

AND I JUST CANT HELP THINKING WHAT IF THERE IS SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH ME.. i obviously have nxiety about it which is making it a lot worse but that doesnt mean that the symptoms couldnt be somthing else?

16-11-13, 14:22
Hi ASuff,

I hope you realize that you're going to get multiple replies telling you that you don't have bowel cancer ;) The reason you can't stop thinking something is wrong is because you suffer with all the classic indications of HA.

The fact you started the post with "Okay, I know this sounds ridiculous" means you know it too.

And the latest in the Dr. Google malpractice suit is the prosecution is bringing in several members of NMP to testify against him. He face a laundry list of misdiagnosis charges as well as civil suits for making people worry about nothing.

Positive thoughts!

16-11-13, 14:34
But what if i do have bowel cancer :( its possible, if its IBS why arnt the tablets working :( and i have lost so much weight, i just hate alll of this so much :(

16-11-13, 14:40

I am 29 male. As a IBS suffer myself (what the doctor has told me) I have a major bowel cancer panic over the last 12 months (late October 2012) but throughout 2012 when my Dad did his bowel screening because of his age (poop sample) which came back clear thank goodness

I have had abdominal pains myself. I have had a number of trips to doctors given me tablets. I have had scans given to me to show me nothing serious is wrong with me. MRI scan, abdominal ultrasound, CT scan plus the sig exam (camera) up my backside.

Please try not to google I have done the crime of doing it and have made me feel worst.

I have been worried about my weigh also I have tried different scales and there are been different.

16-11-13, 15:19
I went thru this one I ended up sending my poop of to the lab all clear! And a stone in 9 months is nothing I lost a stone and half in 6 weeks I was so poorly with my nervs you do no your body burns so fast when your in an anxious state 3 times the rate. I have ibs and always suffer pains all the time. I no someone with bowl cancer and his wife said he was constantly on tbe toilet was never off it till it got that bad he went back to the doctors and was recently diagnosed just had the op few weeks ago so your symptoms are not bad and anxiety and your stomach go hand in hand it's the first place it affects well your while digestive tract in fact.
Love and best wishes

16-11-13, 15:29
If things don't improve then get the colonoscopy done as it could be something like Crohn's disease or simply IBS as others have said.

For your reassurance the doc may send you for more tests.

16-11-13, 16:17
Thankyou very much for all of your replies :) im just so worried of what they might find, i just wish i could stop thinking like this, its like i have convinced myself I have some kind of cancer and that its spreading. Mainly i guess because pretty much all young people who develop cancer have at some point been diagnosed with Anxiety (since their anxious about whats wrong i guess). I just so badly wish i could stop thinking that this is going to be me..

16-11-13, 17:24
But what if i do have bowel cancer :( its possible, if its IBS why arnt the tablets working :( and i have lost so much weight, i just hate alll of this so much :(

But you don't and I'm 99.99% sure. How do I know this? First off, you're posting this fear on an anxiety website. You're 17 and your doctor has diagnosed you with IBS which is typically an anxiety based illness. Blood work is clear. Is it possible? Sure, anything is possible if you believe in it strongly enough but the chances are so infinitesimally small that you'd stand a better chance playing the lotto.

All the other things.... stomach pain and losing weight are anxiety related. Maybe you need to talk to your parents and see if they can help you find some therapy or CBT to help with the anxiety illness. You have your whole life ahead of you and much too young to be wrapped up in worry.

Good Luck!

16-11-13, 19:53
Thanks a lot, that definately helped :D I have calmed down a but now, still worried but not as much as i was! I hate health anxiety :( I have spoken to the doctor about counselling but unfortunately there is a very very very long waiting list and it is expected to take at least 6 months! really need to stop reading horror stories about 17 year olds..