View Full Version : Had a good day, but......

16-11-13, 19:45
Today is the first day in a week that I have felt 'normal'
No chest pains, no dizzy only a slight tension headache in the back of my head! The odd thing is I still can't take my mind off the chest and heart pains I have been suffering! It's as if I'm waiting or urging them to happen instead of just chillin and enjoying my day! Does anyone else have this issue??

17-11-13, 11:58
We get so used to it that we wonder why it is not happening and then end up making it happen again. Keep yourself busy and focused on your surroundings instead of thinking about symptoms.

17-11-13, 16:07
Thanks! I was walking out of a shop today and I felt a dizzy episode coming on but I managed to block it, take mind off it and it went as quick as it came.

17-11-13, 16:23
Well done for that :)