View Full Version : Chest pain, tingling feeling in arms, etc

16-11-13, 20:33
So, I have always struggled with anxiety and agoraphobia to the point where I had not left the house in close to 5 years. (Yeah, that's a loooong time, I know.) Around two weeks ago, I think on November 1st, I finally bit the bullet and went to my doctor for a check up due to fear of abdominal pains. He checked me out and told me that my only issue was that I was underweight. Blood pressure and heart rate were normal, no lumps in my abdomen that would signify a serious issue. Since then, I've been making strides in going out and keeping my panic under relative control.

Until last night, that is. As I was sitting on the computer, I started getting a sharp pain in my chest, just under my right breast. (Pec? I'm not sure what men call it.) It went away soon enough, but it caused my anxiety to kick into overdrive. I started getting pins and needles in my hands that refused to quit and my heart began to race. It got to the point where my hands began shaking and I started crying thinking that I was going to die of heart failure. (Thanks, google!) I got up and walked around a few times, talked to my mom and took a small dose of anxiety medication (don't know the name, but I can get it if it's needed) to help calm down. My chest felt tight at times and my breathing felt strained, but I'm not sure if that was just anxiety or not.

Afterward, I laid in bed for a few hours until I was tired enough to fall asleep. I didn't sleep well, only managing 2 hours at a time before I was up and worrying again. As I am now, I'm still worrying about this and still about 30 seconds away from calling 911 to rush myself to the hospital. I have tried breathing exercises and still only get my heart rate down to about 85 or so at lowest.

I mean, if I did have a heart issue, my doctor would have picked up on it and sent me for tests, correct? They don't just pop up out of nowhere? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated, I'm 23 and way too young to be worrying about my death. Thank you in advance.

EDIT: My apologies, I did not see the sticky about not asking for medical advice. I should have clarified, I am merely asking if these are typical symptoms of health anxiety and if I should perhaps tell my doctor about them the next time I go in.

16-11-13, 20:38
Welcome to NMP :)

In answer to your question ... yes, they are, so try not to worry. I'm sure fellow members will be along soon enough to help reassure and support you. Hope you're feeling a bit better now you've got your fears off your chest :hugs:

17-11-13, 04:02
Thank you for the warm welcome, Andria! I have lurked around here before registering and was relieved to find that I'm not the only one that suffers from symptoms like this!

I feel like I'm slowly getting over it, but my heart rate doesn't seem to be dropping that significantly. I might schedule another appointment with my doctor on Monday, see if he can give me an EKG to put my mind at ease, if I'm still worried about it then.

17-11-13, 04:28
I had the same feeling. Arm numbness, tingling, racing thoughts and heart. Fear and loss of reality. Could not sleep. Felt like I was going to die, I also was really debating on going to the ER but the hospital bill is what made me stay home and deal with it. I am still here. I have yet to go to the doctor, I will soon. But from what I have read they are just panic attacks.

You will get through it. If you have insurance you should see another doctor and get some more tests just to be sure, knowing they come back negative again for something serious might help ease you if it happens again. Just tell yourself you got through it once you'll get through it again.

18-11-13, 08:00
Small bump because I forgot to mention that I took a small dose of Citalopram on the night I took my panic attack. It seemed to calm my nerves, but didn't really do much for my racing heart.

I think I'll bring up the subject today when I talk to my GP, ask him if it's worth going back onto meds to help myself get over bouts like this.

18-11-13, 19:03
I have the same symptoms. I have HA, and my main concern is my heart. I have had these anxieties about my heart since I was 7 years old: I was sat in assembly and I was casually feeling my pulse (to this day I have no idea why) until, suddenly, I thought it stopped! I immediately went into a full blow panic; I stood up in front of everyone and yelled to the teacher at the front. Every since then I cannot stand to hear my own heartbeat; it freaks me out! I obsessively check my pulse, especially after some physical activity. The anxiety is just getting worse and worse as I get older (i'm 30 now). Every time I feel a little pain in my chest I start to really panic; I keep thinking that i'm gonna have a heart attack! I have had an ekg done a couple of years ago when I suddenly started having palpitations which went on for over an hour. They told me my heart was fine - strong, in fact - and that it was just benign palpitations. I wish i could live a normal happy life without constantly worrying about my heart.

18-11-13, 22:08
So after speaking with my GP, he told me that it's "most likely not a heartattack," and told me that he was going to prescribe me some medication for inflammation. I was a nervous wreck on the phone with him so I didn't get the chance to mention my other concerns and a few minutes after I'd hung up, the line was dead.

I'm not sure what could possibly be inflamed, but I am not one to question judgement from a medical professional, so we'll see how that goes.

19-11-13, 09:13
I am currently suffering with this sharp chest pain but mine is on the left side. However, I no longer worry about it because I have had the symptoms before and realise what causes mine. When I am unhappy/stressed, depressed, I hunch my shoulders. My posture is poor and the result is sharp intermittent chest pains. These pains are muscular caused by my not sitting up straight. Are they when you move into a certain position ? I can feel the source of mine when I sit up an wiggle my shoulders. My whole upper body is tense. The pins and needles are caused by the panic you are feeling when this happens.

This all said, one cant ignore chest pain and it should always be checked out, especially if there is nausea or breathlessness, but once the Doc says you are ok, then perhaps you really are XX

19-11-13, 09:28
I've honestly had not heard of getting muscle pains from bad posture, but I do have horrible posture when I'm usually sitting on the computer.It's mostly disconcerting because I have had these pains before, but they never really threw me into such a major panic attack. I have always had heart anxiety, but it was never enough to keep me from doing things I enjoy or focusing on other important tasks.

Thank you for your opinion though, it's always nice to hear from others who've dealt with the same problem! I've been doing a lot better today and I'm super glad I decided to post here. :hugs:

19-11-13, 14:02
I've honestly had not heard of getting muscle pains from bad posture, but I do have horrible posture when I'm usually sitting on the computer.It's mostly disconcerting because I have had these pains before, but they never really threw me into such a major panic attack. I have always had heart anxiety, but it was never enough to keep me from doing things I enjoy or focusing on other important tasks.

Thank you for your opinion though, it's always nice to hear from others who've dealt with the same problem! I've been doing a lot better today and I'm super glad I decided to post here. :hugs:

I'm glad you are feeling better today! I, too, am feeling less anxious today! :D

Thank God for No More Panic, eh? :yesyes: