View Full Version : Scared about possible fibroids

17-11-13, 03:48
I have a severe phobia about medical tests. I recently had my yearly physical and my doctor said my uterus felt lumpy. He suspects fibroids. Knowing how freaked out I get about my health, he told me he was going to schedule an ultrasound to confirm his diagnosis and that if I was going to freak out about it, he wouldn't even send it in. That's how confident he felt about it. He also said they wouldn't call me in for awhile as they're backed up.

I was nervous about it but keeping my cool, and then they called me to remind me of my appointment they made for this coming Wednesday. I freaked because they called me on a Saturday and why would they fit me in so soon?

I thought I had kidney stones or gall stones in September, and was in the hospital for a pelvic xray, chest xray, and full blood work up. They also did an ultrasound of all my organs except my uterus because they didn't think there was a problem. Everything came out clean.

I'm so scared I have cancer, I can't even breathe. I hate feeling this way, but I can't think rationally or calm down. Even though he said it was fibroids, I'm terrified!

17-11-13, 07:12
Miss I know the feeling. We all know the feeling. However facts are facts - you need the ultrasound so go get it done. In all likelihood you're completely fine and you can rest easy once again. Be brave and get yourself sorted.

And maybe consider dealing with that anxiety disorder that you've got too :)

17-11-13, 07:16
Fibroids are NON cancerous As your GP knows you get anxious I would say that is why he has arranged and earlier scan. And yes hospitals work on Saturdays. I will be fine.

17-11-13, 11:56
I had fibroids and had an ultrasound to confirm it. I am sure that is all it will be and they are benign x

17-11-13, 23:10
Thanks for commenting. It's so easy to feel all alone when you're scared. I know I should trust my doctor, but then I think What if he's wrong? They only thing reassuring me is that I've had a scan of everything except my uterus and they didn't find anything.

Yes, I agree Andria24, I need to deal with this anxiety disorder. I'm just not sure what to do about it. I've tried several types of antidepressants and none of them work. He put me on Wellbutrin and it just made me feel even more anxious. That's when I started having trouble with these fibroids causing me pain.

I'm seeing a counselor but things haven't improved yet. I'm fine until I have to go to the doctor for routine tests. Then the waiting to find out if I'm ok just drives me crazy.

18-11-13, 02:21
sounds like u need to be on a anti anxiety med klonopin is great been on it 20 yrs stopped my anxiety totally wish i went on it many years earlier i was scared to take med ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wasted many years
some antidepressants really help with anxiety also it sucks trying to find the one
but with the help of a benzo along with a antidpressant makes the transition smoother u wont be worrying about the side effects also i had fibroids and cancer twice while on med i was fine handled it great before med i would worry about crazy things that were never really going to happen where do you live? i am in masachusetts there is a huge center for anxiety in boston