View Full Version : Anxiety and Paralysis

17-11-13, 13:15
Hope the title didn't worry anyone, does sound a bit dramatic. First of all you CANNOT be paralyzed by anxiety.

Anyway, I wanted to make this post as it is about some of the anxiety symptoms I have had previously and am getting again at the moment. They are horrible, it basically feels like you cannot move parts of your body, usually the legs or mouth for me. Its like everything that was natural about moving those parts of the body was unconscious and natural before but now it is extremely complicated and it really feels like your forgetting how to use parts of your body. I know it is a part of anxiety but it all feels so real. Everything I do now is over analysed and everything feels strange. Even when im not severely anxious I still have these symptoms, it does feel like my brain has been damaged somewhere.

Common sense would say it is anxiety though. Just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this as its one of the symptoms that I feel very alone in and seems very rare whenever I ask people.

Here is a link that explains it a bit better, read the Physical Paralysis-Like Symptoms section: http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/paralysis

Thanks for reading

---------- Post added at 13:15 ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 ----------


17-11-13, 13:33
Not me personally, but I have a colleague who used to suffer from odd paralysis symptoms during a particularly stressful period of her life. She would even go into states where she felt like she couldn't move, couldn't even open her eyes and could only hear the people around her.

She said that after lots of testing the doctors eventually told her it was all down to anxiety, or at least that it was being triggered by stress not that she was imagining it. She finally accepted what they were saying and after treatment with medication and counselling managed to get herself out of that state.

I don't know many more details, but she told me about it when I first started having weird symptoms that were stress related and they were scaring me.

17-11-13, 15:05
Ok thanks for the reply. Doesn't sound very nice at all what your colleague went through and that's not to reassuring to here what she experienced but glad she has managed to over come these symptoms.

18-11-13, 11:50
My dr has told me I have paralysis due to anxiety, I find it hard to believe though. When I walk out in public I am really off balance and walk to the right hand side but when I'm at home I walk normally, dr said that when your anxious parts of your body feel paralysed. Does anyone else get this? Because I can't go out with fear I can't walk properly and will fall over

18-11-13, 12:44
I get symptoms like this, I think it might really be down to overanalysing your movements, like when you realise your breathing.. you end up breathing manually. I get this a lot when i'm walking i'll, catch myself worrying about it and all of a sudden it feels like i lost the feeling in my legs and i end up walking all over the place until i stop thinking about it. my counsellor said it's also very common to feel like you can't get up or feel like you can't move or talk, the anxiety takes over i suppose and i have had panic attacks or an overwhelming sense of dread that does seem to totally fix me in place, i had it a lot when i was depressed, i also had the feeling i couldn't move in the mornings... hope this helps a little x