View Full Version : Finally I have a diagnosis

17-11-13, 16:38
So I've been feeling terribly unwell for a couple weeks and after being told several times it's anxiety I accepted it however last night I had severe stomach pains so I went to the out of hours doctor and the truth is I have a kidney infection. I no some of my symptoms were down to the anxiety but I new deep down there was something causing me to be anxious some symptoms were fueling my anxiety. So here's hopping when this infection clears my anxiety decreases also.

I do however no that I have anxiety also. And I'm not saying that this is always the case for people but you no your bodies and if you feel genuinely unwell ask your doctor to do the necessary tests. If my doc had been more thorough a week ago It would of saved me a week of super high anxiety.

17-11-13, 17:26
I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well Katty, hopefully the infection will clear up quickly.

With something like this there are usually some markers that will tell you when you're truly unwell - with UTIs in particular you'll run a temperature, sweat a bit more than usual, have discomfort in the pelvic region, some discomfort going to the bathroom and possibly even have cloudy urine or it may have a bad smell. Having a friend who has kidney infections rather than UTIs they are incredibly painful and make you very sick, there's no mistaking it for anxiety.

It's important for us all to be able to distinguish between anxiety symptoms and true health problems. Personally I usually know the difference between feeling run down because I'm stressed or feeling run down because I'm unwell, it just feels very different. In your case it was the severe pain that told you you really needed help, but in many cases the aches and pains that anxiety gives us are not severe or urgent, they're more like worrying niggles or feelings we focus too much on.

You did the right thing visiting your doc and they were able to diagnose you. Problems arise when people go to their doctor and don't trust what the doctor says, despite different tests and reassurances. We see that here all the time.

I hope that this infection is on the way out and you're back to yourself again soon.

17-11-13, 18:36
I know I just new there was something else wrong. I've had anxiety since I was 14 so I new it wasn't that.