View Full Version : Mood drops at night?

17-11-13, 16:58
I don't understand this. During the day I seem to be sort of okay. I can just get on with things. But as soon as it goes dark I feel sick n my mood drops and I get panicky. This only seems to happen in November and December as I had exactly the same last year! Is this bi polar or something. I'm seriously confused. Because when this happens depersonalisation happens n I hate that.

17-11-13, 17:03
Sounds more like seasonal affective disorder. SAD. Discuss it with your doctor Kez.

17-11-13, 17:09
Some people are more sensitive to changes in light, but it could also be that you have more time in the evenings to think over your anxieties. Sometimes winter can be a hard time of year. I often feel down around Christmas, even though it's a time of year I love, I start thinking about how lucky I am to have my family around me, then I start wondering whether this is the last Christmas we sol all be together. My grandma died just after Christmas ten years ago so it may also be to do with that. Maybe there are memories or associations that you have with this time of year that could be getting to you without you necessarily consciously thinking about them. Perhaps it would help to try to plan some treats for yourself for the winter evenings. Record your favourite tv shows or get your favourite snacks in, even invite a friend over for a drink to take your mind off things.

17-11-13, 17:51
I think seasonal changes play a huge part in how we feel psychologically generally, let alone when dealing with anxiety/depression.

I feel bleaker and less productive during the autumn/winter. It seems like the day has hardly any daylight and then before you know it, it is pitch black. There is much to be said for sunshine and light for lifting us. I agree that SAD could be involved here.

You can get a light box to help with this, but I know they are not cheap unfortunately.

I also think that the time of day your anxiety worsens depends a lot as to how your personal anxiety exhibits itself, like whether you associate evenings/nights with bad attacks of anxiety in the past. That can impact and leave a lasting effect.

It doesn't sound like bi-polar, just anxiety/mood disorder.

I personally feel horrible in the mornings and get better as the day goes on, but I do find I am more down depression wise in the months nearer Xmas too. Keeping occupied, or giving yourself things to look forward to (a Cattia suggested) help a lot with this kind of thing :)

17-11-13, 17:53
I seem the be the opposite and feel better at night when I know it's nearly bed time. Mornings are the worst.

17-11-13, 18:42
I agree I think you have SAD I have it too, mine is always worse at night also. Your not alone Hun. Xx

17-11-13, 18:48
I get this too. 10pm in summer seems fine, but not in Winter. Really don't like the dark nights.