View Full Version : Suicide

17-11-13, 17:53
I'm 27 years old and my health has really put me in a low down, i think i have been more depressed about my health than anything else in my life. I just cant believe it sometime, i wake up and feel like this is all a dream. I am also scared because i feel my body is letting me down and im scared of suffering. I just dont know who to turn to as family think im a nag. My mum says i spend too much time on laptop hence my eye pain. I feel like this is not the life i want to live, i want to leave for good. I would be better off not existing. I have nobody and there is a guy i speak to from london and hes the only person who cheers me up but im scared of being sick like this,soemtime i cant even get out of bed, at times i feel like falling asleep all the time, soemtime i dont know how to live life and be happy like others but others dont have this illness. I dont know why this is happening to me,i am scared of living a life in pain and suffering.. one day i might just end my life because i see no way out :((((

17-11-13, 18:01
Melisha you have posted similar feelings in the past, and I'm sorry you've been feeling this low. Anxiety can really drag us down sometimes.

You need to speak with your GP about how you are feeling, you need some professional help.

Have you asked anyone for help with this?

Are there any mental health helplines in the area you live in?

17-11-13, 18:34
When I read a post such as this it makes one feel rather helpless as we cannot reach through the screen to help.

Melisha, what can we do or say to an anonymous person on a forum threatening suicide? Obviously, it's a cry for help and I believe I speak for everyone that you don't do anything drastic. I also believe that seeking help from professionals is in order as there have been several posts eluding to the same thing.

You don't have to suffer. There is help. Please, for your sake and your loved ones, seek it.

Positive thoughts and prayers

17-11-13, 18:54
Hey, don't do anything like that. I've tried and realized I have lots of great memories I wouldn't have had if I killed myself. I got married, learned how to shoot, and picked up some new hobbies.

Life has pleasures but sometimes they are sandwiched between painful seasons. Hang in there!