View Full Version : do i have anxiety please help??

17-11-13, 18:23
1. Worry i might lose what i say and hurt someone
2. Excessive midnight ''What'' if thoughts, What if mum dies, wat if i have a seizure even tho i don't have epilepsy, its my worst severe worry.
3. visualize someone from school being in my home beating me up and bad images
4. feels like i hear whispering sounds in my ear when getting paranoia
5. feel every object is going to get me when home alone
6.intrusive thoughts disturbing ones
7. Scared insecurity of going to kids and introducing myself as scared i will get jumped
8. Avoiding to meet new people often feels like fear
i went to a psychologist once she said it sounds like anxiety maybe o.c.d
Wat do u think im 15

17-11-13, 18:29
Hi Peter, you told us in another post that you have generalised anxiety, so I think you know the answer to this question already. I'm sorry that you've been feeling so bad.

Have you spoken to your parents or an adult about how you are feeling? Are you getting any help with this? What happened to the psychologist who thought you might have OCD?

Some of the replies to your other posts were very kind and helpful, full of advice, it might be worth having a read through them x

17-11-13, 18:39
Hi Peter

Did you read the PM I sent you about your other posts?

18-11-13, 01:07
yes i read it it helped

18-11-13, 01:53
are you on med? in therapy?

18-11-13, 07:12
Talk to your parents about going to counseling . They can teach techniques to use when these thoughts take over. It does sound like it could be a form of OCD. My old counselor said I had a form of it with my thinking patterns. She gave me a book to read about 7 years ago called Brain Lock(I think). It had a lot of helpful information.

19-11-13, 19:24
Honestly hopeandlove. Every post u write says the same things "r u on meds" meds don't work for everyone. Anxiety is different in each case. They may have worked for you but not everyone. Please and I'm saying this as nice as possible, stop trying to force medication on every single poster that is on here. A majority of people are aware they exist but as I say not everyone either wants to try them or they are not for them! Me personally tried meds and they made me worse. In some cases it's lifestyle or situational anxiety that don't require medical attention rather changed with in a persons lifestyle.