View Full Version : Hello - new to the site!

17-11-13, 21:16
Hey everyone!

I am Abbey and I'm a 20 year old student from Scotland :)

I suffer from emetophobia and depression. I had my first counselling sessions when I was 14/15 and was then diagnosed with depression at 17 after the return of my emetophobia fears. I was again referred to counselling at the age of 18 and tried hypnotherapy at 19 which didn't have any effect! I would say I am probably at my worst I've ever felt at the moment especially since it's November and the norovirus will make it's dreaded return, which I am already panicking about.

Thanks for reading, I look forward to chatting on the page :)

Abbey x

17-11-13, 21:27
Evening Abbey, I'm new to.

Sorry to hear about your troubles :(

Scotland isn't much fun regardless of the time of year as we like to give anything that remotely looks like a problem the stiff upper lip treatment......because we're daft like that.

Hope you find some peace of mind here :)

17-11-13, 21:52
Hi :welcome:

17-11-13, 21:56
Glad to have you with us Abbey.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

17-11-13, 22:18
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)