View Full Version : Tooth ache hell

kate H
07-11-06, 12:30
I have got the worste tooth ache I have ever experienced in my whole life!
It was that painful i didnt even think twice when i walked into the dentist yesterday (usually i have to be dragged in there!!!) Ive got penicilin to take.
Am takin Veganin which is Paracetamol mixed with Codeine but its making me feel very spcaed out.

Any words of advice as this is really getting me down!

****You can never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them to fly in formation ****

07-11-06, 12:34
hi kate
you will soon feel better once the tablets to treat you kick in!!!!
take care
rachel x

07-11-06, 12:36
Kate...i feel your pain! I've cancelled FOUR times an extraction because of various reasons and now, today, its bl**dy throbbing. I can only get an appointment on a Wednesday (have to be sedated) so its definitely going to be another week :(
I'm going to take LOTS of painkillers.

07-11-06, 13:58
I used to be SO dental phobic - I avoided the dentist for a decade at least, chewing on cloves to cure toothaches and noting the medeival roles that cited "teeth" as a cause of death, certain that I would be the only person in the 20th century to die of teeth. Then I was eatin an M&M and broke a front tooth. Vanity kicked in and I was very lucky to find a dentist who was great with phobic patients. I take ativan before I go now and I have nitrous oxide for any drilling. I'm really not afraid anymore. I get a bit nervous, but it's manageable. I think the key is to find a dentist who have STATE OF THE ART equipment (it works faster, more efficiently, and it is a sign that the dentist isn't one to save a few bucks at the expense of the patient's comfort) and who is sympathetic to the fearful patient.

Good luck to you!

09-11-06, 14:53
Im very scared of the dentist. no irrational fears here, cos for years i had one who was appalling! "you wont need an injection for this im not going to be drilling very deep" - not wanting to scare you further ill shut up now about that particular episode!
anyway the evil one has gone now, a very good thing as im sure he was suffering from MS, and recently i had to have the tooth from the aforementioned episode extracted. along with two others. imagine my delight.
i asked my new dentist about sedation, and after a few simple medical questions he agreed i was suitable for sedation. if your dentist is NHS, you might want to check, as some only perform sedation on private patients.

on the morning of the extraction, had to have a small meal 2hrs beforehand, not happy about having to be up that early for anything, let alone dental treatment!
the sedation i had involved a needle in the back of my hand, rather than gas, and i was suprised to find out i would not be unconscious, just "relaxed" !!! Despite begging for him to knock me out cold, the "relaxation" was enough really. I was aware at the time of what was happening, but now have no memories at all from the time it really started working until they stopped the drug.
from having "sedation" before in hospital treatment, i thoroughly expected to remember every detail, as hospital nurses said i wouldnt remember much of what happened the day of a procedure, and for that my memory is painfully perfect. but of the dental extraction i am blissfully ignorant!

if you can go the sedation route, rememebr to tell them of all and any medication you take, not matter how embarrassing you might find it!

Clove oil is good for toothache, but for us people who stress about these things, the writing on the bottle saying "seek medical attention immediately if swallowed" kinda put me off. it was going in my mouth after all!!!

hope your ouch is better soon.

V xxx[^]

09-11-06, 18:44
i was told by a dentist to use cool compresses!We go for a hot water bottle dont we,but it draws the infection he said!Helped with my abcess any way,Also clove oilon a cotton bud uis a life saver!Hope it goesoff soon hun,love mary rose.xxxxxx

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