View Full Version : A heart symptom saga

17-11-13, 23:55
Hey everyone, I'm new here. I'm 25, I don't drink or smoke and I'm not overweight and there's no family history of heart disease.

I've looked and many posts on this blog over the last couple of years and it's helped me a lot so thanks. Sadly, I'm still no way nearer to finding out what's causing my symptoms.

I've had Ectopic beats all my life, and have always felt they were nothing major to worry about. This was confirmed when I had an ECG done when I was 17 following my first real panic attack. After this, I enjoyed great health up until two years ago. I was training for a 10k run when I got a bout of tonsillitis. After I'd recovered, when I went running I noticed my heart rhythm felt a little off, it didn't feel normal, my heart wasn't responding to things in the same way. I then noticed I was getting out of breath going up. The stairs and started to get really funny heart rhythms at night in bed. Naturally this scared the hell out of me so I was referred to a cardiologist. Under him I had a number of monitor tests and a cardiac MRI, everything came back normal much to my annoyance given that I felt so terrible.
I also started to develop angina symptoms, I'd get a tight uncomfortable feeling in my arm, back neck and jaw on the left side, interestingly with no real chest pain. This came on usually after eating a big meal of just by itself and would last for hours or even days. During these attacks is also notice more ectopic beats and my heart would beat faster. I'm still suffering from these bouts today, I'm having one even now although it seems to be on the flip side thankfully. I went back to the cardiologist earlier this year with these symptoms and I had a CT Angiogram which came back normal. I've also had an echocardiogram and pulmonary function test, the results of which I'll get tomorrow.

Throughout this period my anxiety had gotten a lot worse and my quality of life is pretty rubbish, I just about get by going to work each day, evenings and weekends I usually spend in out of fear I'm going to have an 'attack' out of the blue as I often have done.

I'm seeing the cardiologist tomorrow and I know he is going to give me the all clear which is great but as any hypochondriac knows, also dissapointing. I want to know what's wrong so that I can get on with my life, I feel I've been incredibly patient with it so far but I'm not sure how I'll be able to live with it if there is no improvement.

It'd be great to hear from anyone else who's had similar experiences.

18-11-13, 00:02
Has anyone suggested indigestion/acid reflux/GERD to you?

18-11-13, 18:31
Hi Nicola, yes I'm currently trying an antacid to see if that helps. Saw the cardiologist today and my pulmonary function exercise test wasn't as good as expected to being referred to a metabolic medicine specialist.

I realise this forum is about querying other peoples ailments so I guess this concludes my first and hopefully last post but I just want to wish everyone well in their quests to did themselves of health anxiety, we'll get there!

18-11-13, 18:38
Why not stick around?