View Full Version : Dont know what to do

18-11-13, 06:12
So earlier tonight I was over a friends house.
We were talking about school and what we got up to.
I remembered thisnone head teacher everyone hated and I stood up to him.
So I told the story , only to have the response of "yeah I don't think you did though" come from my fiances mouth .
Now one that is just embarrassing . Two he never knew me in school (before I was this ill) and three I feel like utter crap that my own future husband thinks Im lying !!
I have no reason to lie to my friends or anyone .... Why would I ?

I havent told him how its made me feel.
Once again Im letting people walk all over me.
In school I was confident. I got bullied but around my friends Id just say it as it was.
Everyone knew where they stood with me. I wasnt a cow or anything , just wouldnt put up with crap from anyone verbally .

Now its completley different and thats all my fiance knows is this fragile little girl.
I want my old life back so badly.

When this stuff happens I really let it get to me .
Ive been crying for a while now and he doesnt know .
I feel sick that I feel this way about something he said :(

I dont know what to do .

18-11-13, 07:59
hey u need to tell him how you feel if this has upset you that much!

18-11-13, 17:33
This is the thing
Is it my anxiety over reacting ? Or am I right to feel this way ?
I get super panicy in these situatons :(

Neurotic Nick
19-11-13, 02:26
A: yes you are totally right to feel this way. Frankly i would be angry in your position.

B: this is a problem when some people see you in a certain light and cant imagine you in any other way. Ive had friends i had to break contact with because they couldnt see me as anything other than the hopelessly flawed youth i used to be. Good friends are the ones that see you as person capable of growth and strength as well as weaker moments. I once was really touched by a friend who had seen in my in absolute worst but in conversation i realized he still recognized all my potential. Bit hard to describe but it felt really good.

I know this is your fiance so i might be coming of as harsh but this rigid view of people is something i really find draining.

19-11-13, 09:46
Lolabee , although this is a past event from school and your now an adult it's easy to say why get upset about this anyway but.......on principle why did he feel the need to openly doubt how u behaved at school??? So on that basis I'd feel peeved. He didn't know u then & why would u lie about something that happened at school.

So no- ur not over reacting.