View Full Version : if it's not one thing..

18-11-13, 06:51
If it isnt one thing, it's another!

One minute I have heart problems, chest pains, tingling, now I am constantly poking and prodding at my rather large breasts in case I have missed something.

My right one aches from time to time but that is perhaps from the prodding and poking! There are no lumps and bumps from what I can feel and nothing has changed but I am so afraid in case I miss something. I poke under my arms, under my breasts, around my breasts on my breasts, but would I actually know what I was looking for anyway? Can anyone describe what I would look for in the first place? Would there be a definite change? Would you just "know", that something wasnt right?

Only other thing I have at the minute is real tiredness but I think that is due to my current emotional stress (losing my husband) and dealing with the aftermath of that. I have a full night sleep and then waken and think, hmmmn did I sleep well? FFS im 35, I shouldnt be living like this!!!!! AAAgggghhh

18-11-13, 07:20
Pet it's important that you address your anxiety disorder. Only when you're recovered from that will you find that it's no longer about 'if it's not one thing'. You will have once from the constant hunt for symptoms and diagnosis.

Losing someone you love is indescribably stressful in itself, never mind the normal stresses and strains of modern life. I hope you're feeling a bit better this morning :hugs:

18-11-13, 08:04
It's entirely possible that your stress and anxiety is wearing you down, I've had mornings where I'd wake up after a panic attack and feel completely drained. I can relate to your heart problem woes and, in fact, I have felt tired all day despite sleeping relatively well last night. The things our minds can do to us are absolutely awful sometimes, jumping from one symptom to another to tell ourselves that there's always something wrong.

I'm very sorry to hear about your husband and I hope that you can get over your anxiety disorder very soon! Just remember that you're not alone in this and that people will always be there to support and aid you if you need it. :hugs:

18-11-13, 08:14
Goodmorning Pet59,
I am so sorry for your loss. The anxiety your feeling and going through is normal after a bereavement. It's the uncertainty of life that's getting to you. We can all agree on that. Please seek advice from your GP on the right therapy for you. The forum is here to support all who are in crisis at anytime.