View Full Version : Scared of appendicitis and in need of help :(

18-11-13, 09:15

sorry for this guys but I suffer with health anxiety, and for the past 6 days I have had a pain to the top right of my abdomen, (just above my belly button) Now to begin with I thought it was muscle spasms or something but where I've had a busy few days and I fell over on Friday it was happening more frequently.

Anyway I am now so scared it could be appendicitis cause I'm scared of hospitals and being sick. Please if anyone knows anything about appendicitis and could tell me that I'm being delirious please help.

Thanks and sorry x

18-11-13, 09:24
Bunny, I have had my fair share of anxiety over appendicitis. My pain began on my right side, then drifted over to above my stomach, then finally to my left side. Are yours centralized to that one area? Do you have a fever at all? Have you been using the restroom frequently?

It's worth checking in with your doctor if you can, but I understand first-hand how terrifying that can be so I'd like to empathize with you as much as possible to help.

18-11-13, 09:31
well at points it feels like I have lower pain but I think that's where I'm worried cause the pain only gets worse when I worry.

But the pain starts to the right of my belly button and radiates up, and again I feel hot but only when I panic :(

18-11-13, 09:59
Hi everyone

Sorry but I really need help. I just need to know if anyone has had appendicitis as I am really scared I have it.....

I've had pain just to the right of my belly button that radiates up for about 6 days. It feels a bit like a muscle spasm. Like someones grabbing the muscle and squeezing it.

Anyway all was fine I put it down to a pulled muscle and thought I just needed to rest. But I have been working a lot the past few days, heavy lifting, stretching, rushing about, and falling over. and the spasm got more frequent.

Then I started worrying that it could be appendicitis and since I have been worrying about that at points there's pain in the lower abdomen I am really scared so please if anyone has had this or know anyone that has I just need some reasurance x

18-11-13, 10:08
I am going to caveat this post with - please don't take this the wrong way.

Firstly none of us, unless we happen to have a qualified clinician with HA (which seems unlikely as it would hardly be a career of choice) is going to be able to give you good quality information about appendicitis. Furthermore, it would be negligent of anyone to give you medical advice over the internet.

One of the problems with HA is that we experience a symptom and then we (as non qualified people with a predisposition to dramatic thinking) make a connection between that symptom and a condition. So our problem isnt, 'I have a sore tummy' it becomes 'I must have x y or z'.

This makes us different to most people who present with a symptom, assess its severity, see if it goes away and then make an appointment with their GP to make a diagnosis.

My recommendation would be to book a GP appointment.

18-11-13, 10:11
Hello Bunny, I would go to the dr. Not because I think you do have appendicitis but because they will be able to examine you and tell you what's going on. I've also had massive anxiety over appendicitis before. A few years ago I couldn't sleep all night because just below my belly button I had a feeling like I was being stabbed every time I moved. I went to the dr and it turned out I had bruised my stomach by wearing a belt with a butterfly on it and whenever I had sat down one of the wings had dug in my stomach - that's the only thing the dr could think it was! I've also had very often a stabbing sensation on each side of my belly button and its turned out to be my period due. Sorry for lack of paragraphs as I'm on my phone but I hope its helped a little xx

18-11-13, 10:41
well at points it feels like I have lower pain but I think that's where I'm worried cause the pain only gets worse when I worry.

But the pain starts to the right of my belly button and radiates up, and again I feel hot but only when I panic :(

I saw CP's advice on your duplicate thread concerning seeking medical advice on the internet and he's right. Seeking professional help is warranted but I will point out your own words which leads me to believe this isn't sinister...

Positive thoughts

18-11-13, 10:46
I know that nobody can tell me for sure I just wanna know how bad it is and how quickly it can come on I'm really upset right now

18-11-13, 10:54
Go back to your original post.

You have had abdominal pain for 6 days. I think that is worthy of a Drs appointment, probably for them to tell you it is nothing to worry about.

However the problem here is that you are experiencing x and assuming it is y, when you have no decent evidence to base that assumption on. This is obviously concerning you so contact the Drs now and ask for an emergency appointment. They should be able to see you today.

18-11-13, 11:15
I merged your two posts about this together

18-11-13, 12:30
I have had so much health anxiety over appendicitis, have done for years. I think it's because my brother had it so I've got sort of a phobia now. Anyway, firstly I would go to your doctor if your pain is still there after 6 days it might be a cause for concern, however there are many things that can cause stomach pains so please try not to worry too much, go and get checked out. For my brother, the onset of pain was very quick, like a day/over night, this was quickly followed by vomiting and he was then taken in for the op. All in all it was about 1-2 days from the original symptoms to having had the op. Obviously this can be totally different for each person. The pain with appendicitis is quite bad, not trying to scare you, I say this to try and reassure you, in other words I think you would really know if it was appendicitis.

Could it be that you have pulled something in your abdomen? You said you have been lifting, stretching etc. It sounds like you could have pulled something, these things can last a while, muscle damage can take weeks to get better.

Please do get checked out though, none of us are doctors and it's always best to seek medical advice if you feel something may be wrong.

Hope you feel better soon x