View Full Version : No pills feeling on edge with new symptom!!

18-11-13, 09:41
I cant get an appointment till later in the week and I have ran out of propanolol...I thought i'd be ok for a few days but im starting to feel on edge panicky already and shaking!...At work too dont know how i will cope next few days!....Getting A new symptom also like im vibrating inside does anyone else get this???

18-11-13, 10:23
Call the doctors and get them to write you out a prescription. Explain that you can't go without and how difficult you found it getting an appointment in time.

18-11-13, 12:12
I ran out of my tablets before I could get another appointment so I had someone go in and ask the receptionist to pass a message to my GP about it. She printed me off a prescription for some more tablets until I can get to my next appointments, go and speak to them I'm sure they will be able to do the same :)

18-11-13, 12:28
Kelly, I have gotten that inner feeling of vibration. For me it is anxiety, probably increased adrenalin.