View Full Version : Hi new member here

18-11-13, 10:58

Let me start by introducing myself and telling you all what's been going on with me

I am 28 and live in newcastle I also have a 3 year old toddler

About 2 months ago I had palpitations for about an hour I then suddenly got a numb face which I linked to a migrane because I have had this before I took some aspirin and lay down to which my whole left side went numb I have never experienced this so I phoned out of hours service and they immediately told me they were sending and ambulance which sent me into blind panic (I didn't know this at the time) and when I explain the next part it might make sense

About 2 nd half year ago my dad died very suddenly on pneumonia went in one day died that night and I think since then I have been always looking for more serious reasons instead of just thinking it was minor until I snapped

So after 6 weeks of trying to beat this myself I took a huge attack at work, I work for the NHS and was linking my symptoms with other people's diagnosis, I then realised I needed help so went to the GP the next day and asked for some meds and CBT.

I got put on Sertraline and he told me I could feel anxious for about 4 weeks well this made me not want to take the tablet I decided not to take it and he put me on propanolol which has helped after tinkering with my dose a little bit I was also put on stomach tablets which made me feel wierd so I stopped them and got. An alternative but by then I was apprehensive to take regarding the feeling I got

So I took one on Saturday and my anxiety kicked up but I never thought about the tablet until later when I started to feel better I clicked and thought it might be the tablet! My stomach was so sore yesterday I had to take another tablet and about an hour after taking it I felt an attack coming on

Now I don't know whether its the tablet or my mind any advice?

Also anyone on propanolol can it cause headaches?

Sorry for rambling


18-11-13, 12:18
Hi - I am also suffering from Anxiety - it was diagnosed shortly after a depression diagnosis, so I can try and relate to parts of what you are saying. I am very lucky in a sense - on of my colleagues is also suffering from anxiety and between us we help each other through and keep each other smiling!
When I have an anxiety attack, I also experience the numbness you describe - its the strangest sensation. One thing you have to try and remember is that it is a symptom of anxiety and it WILL pass - often we feel these symptoms and convince ourselves there is more to it -which makes the anxiety worse. Honestly I have self diagnosed all sorts of serious illnesses in the past - I'm still here to tell the story :huh:. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, I'm sure that the tragic circumstances in which that happened will cause you to worry about your health and any underlying issues you may have, but the probability of this is quite low. If you are concerned about any links between your health and your dads, speak with your GP. He may be able to run some tests to check everything is ok, or at least give you some reassurance. Anxiety makes us think and worry about things in a different way.
I don't know much about Propanolol but I have read that it can be used to treat migraines, so I doubt it would be causing headaches (although I'm not speaking from experience) but I know I often get migraines when I am stressed - maybe trying to deal with this has just worn you down and a migraine is your body's way of asking for a break from the stress.
I am also new to this site and already the people on here have helped me no end - its a brilliant place to get some advice, or just to be cheered up when you are low.
One thing to remember is when you start new meds, especially ones treating anxiety and depression, symptoms can often get a little worse before they improve. And it can take weeks to settle on your meds - I've tried 3 different types and finally seem to have found something that helps. Give your meds a try for a while, but if there is no improvement - back to the GP! Don't be afraid to say 'this isn't working' - they will always have something else to try.
I hope this has helped - sorry if I rambled - and please feel free to message me if you want a chat or just some company - I know how lonely anxiety can make you feel.

Peace and love to you and your little un x :blush: