View Full Version : Why can't I accept what the doctors say!

18-11-13, 15:55
Hi all.

So I went to see a second doctor about my right breast, and these lumpy things in there. My first doctor checked the lump I was referring to, and said she wasn't concerned. I went home and was sort of ok about it. Then a few days later I discovered a second lump in there. I went back the doctors about this, but had to see a different doctor because my usual GP was on holiday. She also said she's not concerned. What annoyed me was she said 'yes, it's just an inflamed hair follicle, like the other doctor said'. Now, she's reading that off a computer screen. What she doesn't know is that the inflamed hair follicle was totally unrelated. That was an on the surface spot, which I mentioned on my first doctor visit, and has nothing to do with the lumps.
Anyway, she did a breast examination and said I was fine as well. But, I've read on various sites that all lumps should be checked by a specialist. If that's the case I don't understand what's going on here. Am I being ignored because of my health anxiety? Because that's two doctors now, sending me home without further investigation.
I don't know whether I should be going back and demanding a proper check-up, or put this down to health anxiety and leave it alone?
Would they refer me if they were concerned? She just said don't worry if they don't go away, just come back if you feel they've grown at all. So I'm thinking, great, go back if and when they've grown, then we can panic and establish I was right all along and now it's too late :(

Does anyone have any advice?
Thank you, (and sorry for still raving about this) xx

18-11-13, 16:12
Ok, you're locked in the classic cycle of reassurance-seeking, which only leads to worse health anxiety.

When you're on a plane, you have two options:

1) You can grip the armrests, peer out of the window at the wing, look for faults, problems - stay hyper-alert and anxious throughout the journey.

2) You can close your eyes, relax and put your faith in the pilot to get you to your destination safely.

Your doctor is the pilot. You need to have faith in them.

18-11-13, 16:17
LF87, I'm really not sure what further anyone can advise here hun.

On your other posts about your breasts, most people have already said that yes, if the doctor was concerned they would refer you. They don't want to make a mistake about lumps they deem may be suspicious.

Why on earth would any doctor ignore you because of your HA? They may think 'oh here we go again', but they also do not want to rule out a genuine problem. They have a duty of care to all patients, including those with HA.

The major and main issue is not what the doctors are doing, it is that you cannot accept their opinion. Going back time and time again is not helping you...and I think you are more than aware of that. xxx

18-11-13, 16:18
I don't really have any advice but I do feel your pain with this as I have had pain in my chest now for 2 months mentioned it numerous times and because I had an ECG done back in June/July they just say its anxiety without checking or even listening

I feel once you have anxiety you tend to get dismissed a little bit that its all in your head

Last year I went to the gp told him I felt I had sinusitis he felt my face and said yeah you have and gave me an antibiotic, I went 2 weeks ago describing the same thing and I just got told its your anxiety

I can be pretty up front I work in a doctors and I know how disinterested they can be so I just sat and said politely sorry but this is not my anxiety and because I have anxiety and know what it feels like it makes it more obvious its not my anxiety

Sometimes you need to push to get something done

Sorry for rambling

18-11-13, 16:28
Thanks debs and skippy. Thanks for your response too Gemz but you've kinda freaked me out a bit more! I'm trying to convince myself that I can trust my doctor. Not have to force referrals out of her.
Debs, I'm really trying my hardest to accept that they would refer me if they were concerned. But it's just niggling away at me alllll the time. But this is only because of what I've read on various sites. I guess I'm just going to have to accept it.
It's just so distressing when there's something you can physically feel. I can't go back again unless it's to say I want to be referred. But even then she may not. Confused :(

18-11-13, 16:31
Ok.....stop reading other sites, that is the absolute BEST thing you can start by doing!!

Stop Googling, stop the health websites, all of them.

Are they helping at all, or are they just making things worse? My guess would be worse as they are fueling your doubt in the doctor's opinions. x:shrug:

18-11-13, 16:39
Sorry I wasn't trying to freak you out you have got me wrong I am trying to say push you for what you want your always entitled to a second opinion as it states on the site no one here is medically trained so if you are seeking reassurance you can only get that from a medical person and if you need reassurance from a medical professional then ask to be referred

Plus you did ask am I ignored because of my health anxiety I feel that you do get ignored but I would say people with health anxiety will all ask that question at some point

18-11-13, 16:39
First of all, well done for waiting until today (I remember your last post and know what a state you were in and how hard that had to be)

Now, every GP in the world - even the worst ones - know that anxiety, even of the most extreme kind, won't magically make a lump appear on your breast. They are not therefore dismissing the lumps as anxiety, but telling you that your fears about them are down to anxiety. A lump is either worthy of further investigation or very apparently not (and they would refer you even if they were only 99% sure it was harmless). You've now had two breast examinations by qualified professionals telling you that your "lumps" (and I stand by my previous opinion of probable breast gristle) are so clearly not sinister that they don't even merit further investigation. Rejoice in that.

18-11-13, 16:41
They make things a lot, lot worse. It's strange. My psychologist says this is a form of OCD. This checking of sites and stuff is like a compulsion. I don't want to do it. I can actually sit and literally shake my head as I'm typing something in to the search bar. But I still do it. It's just so frustrating. I hate it all. It makes my stomach sink. I watched a really good film today, and I was really into it (it's called Warm Bodies, very good!) and then 'boob' pops into my head, and I feel instantly deflated and rubbish. I am contemplating speaking to my doctor about medication, to help me get out of this. Is it normal to still be this obsessed with one thing? I've noticed that most people going through this kind of move on to something else. Where I focus entirely on one thing.
And, do you ever feel like things are a 'sign'? That C advert has just come on the TV as I'm typing this. I feel like it's telling me something.
I feel like a mad person! xx

18-11-13, 16:49
Sorry I wasn't trying to freak you out you have got me wrong I am trying to say push you for what you want your always entitled to a second opinion as it states on the site no one here is medically trained so if you are seeking reassurance you can only get that from a medical person and if you need reassurance from a medical professional then ask to be referred

Plus you did ask am I ignored because of my health anxiety I feel that you do get ignored but I would say people with health anxiety will all ask that question at some point

She's had reassurance Gemzr, from two different doctors. Part of conquering this beast is learning to accept that reassurance. Of course, one is always free to seek second, third and fourth opinions. But I think this lady has my form of HA - she obsesses about the one issue until she gets a 100% guarantee (which we never get) and in the meantime, we drive ourselves nuts during the months and months it takes to go through the (unnecessary) tests. Only then do we move on to the next thing to worry about :blush:

18-11-13, 17:00
Thanks katesa. I just read your post about you having a bad experience last night. I've had similar moments - it's pure frustration, the feeling that you're almost there and then feeling it creep back in. I do hope you feel better today. And yeah, I literally obsess about one thing until I can't go any further with it, then move on. You're right about the doctor. She'd refer me if she was concerned.
Gemz - its ok, I know you meant well. I'm just trying to talk myself OUT of constant doctor visits and pushing for referrals. I need to learn to trust what they say.

18-11-13, 17:21
LF, LF, LF...

What are we gonna do with you? Tell ya what, fly across the pond and I'll get some buddies together and we'll all take turns checking out the lumps you say are in your breasts. I willing to bet not one of us would be alarmed ;)

The other's advice is spot on. You're seeking help and perhaps some meds may be in order to get you over the hump...or "lump" so to speak :)

Positive thoughts!

18-11-13, 17:27
Haha - thanks Fishman, made me laugh!

I'll see how it goes, maybe go back to doc and talk about possible meds.

Hope you're well :) x

18-11-13, 17:42
Tell ya what, fly across the pond and I'll get some buddies together and we'll all take turns checking out the lumps you say are in your breasts. I willing to bet not one of us would be alarmed ;)

Positive thoughts!
