View Full Version : twitches subside now feet have hot bursts ?

18-11-13, 17:52
hi Ive been suffering with twithing all over for a few weeks now its starting to ease but today and yesterday I have had bursts of a feeling of my feet being hot like ive put them in a bowl of warm water ive taken my sock off and they don't feel hot to the touch ...I googled it and what pops up ...symptoms of Ms ...[ again ] why do I google ??!!! is anyone else familiar with this problem atall ? is it common ? ive not had this before..any replies would be appreciated the support on this board has helped me a lot this last few weeks x :blush:

18-11-13, 18:10
I have had bursts of a feeling of my feet being hot like ive put them in a bowl of warm water

Could you send some of that my way? I have neuropathy in my feet from chemo and they're numb and always feel freezing cold! (I know, how can they be numb and they feel cold... believe me... it's really that way and physiological).

Honestly though, I don't think what you're feeling is out the ordinary, anxiety or not. I get times when my hands and formally my feet would do that. Never thought much of it really.

Positive thoughts

18-11-13, 18:28
hi fishmanpa I have never had it before and with the stuff that was going on last week I was thinking again they are linked and not something I have had before ....ive not heard of neuropathy before ....if its not out of the ordinary as dire strates sang why worry now !!

18-11-13, 18:39
hi fishmanpa I have never had it before and with the stuff that was going on last week I was thinking again they are linked and not something I have had before ....ive not heard of neuropathy before ....if its not out of the ordinary as dire strates sang why worry now !!

Neuropathy is nerve damage. In my case it's due to the platinum based chemo I received. Cisplatin does wonderful things to your body, nerve damage being one of them. Eh... it is what it is and now I always sleep with socks, even in the heat of summer ;) At least I can payback my girlfriend for all those times she put those icicle feet against me ~lol~

Positive thoughts