View Full Version : Asking for Positive Thoughts and Prayers

18-11-13, 18:28
Hi Guys and Gals,

A lot of you know I recently fought off oral cancer. I finished treatment April 24th. I have a 50/50 chance of this returning in the next two years. After that, the odds improve greatly. I'll be getting checked every three months for the first two years, then every 6 months until 5 years when I get cut loose.

Tomorrow the 19th is my 2nd post treatment check. I'll be getting scoped, poked, prodded and stuck the entire day as I have appointments with my entire cancer team at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD. In a couple of days (the 21st) will be the anniversary of my diagnosis when I heard the infamous words "This is cancer. I don't know what kind exactly but I've seen enough to know it's cancer". That was when the battle began in earnest. While I feel "Ok", I am plagued with side effects that are frustrating and painful at best. It's part of the "new normal" and while uncomfortable, it sure beats the alternative! ;)

I do have a bit of "scanxiety" but it's to be expected and I'm good with it. I don't suspect anything is brewing and expect glowing reports but if you would be so kind as to send out some positive thoughts, vibes and prayers (if you're the spiritual type), I would greatly appreciate it :)

Have a great evening and a positive tomorrow. I'll let you all know what the docs say.

Positive thoughts

18-11-13, 18:40
Thinking of you Fishmanpa and praying for you. I hope all goes well for you tomorrow :hugs::hugs::hugs:

18-11-13, 18:41
Good luck Fishmanpa, wishing you all the very best.

18-11-13, 18:41

Good luck T - I hope it is all good news all round. Will be thinking of you

18-11-13, 18:46
Sending you prayers and nothing but positivity galore, Fishmanpa.

All the very, very best for tomorrow.x:hugs::yesyes::bighug1:

18-11-13, 18:46
You've been an amazing support for many on this board. I think I can be confident in saying that you'll be in all our thoughts and prayers x

18-11-13, 18:47
Hi Fishmanpa your so positive ,I read a lot of your posts I admire you and what good advice you give people, I wish I was as positive as you ,wishing you well and you will be in my prayers :hugs:

18-11-13, 18:57

I can not stress how much I admire you. You are still dealing with the reality of something that is the worst nightmare of many on here. Yet you offer support, advice and humor to us on a daily basis.

You are simply a wonderful human being Sir.

I will certainly pray for you and be hoping for your continued recovery and health.

18-11-13, 19:01
I will be thinking of you. Good luck. My prayers are with you.xx

18-11-13, 19:01
I think it goes with out saying that my thoughts are with you Fishmanpa.

Good luck mate.

18-11-13, 19:02
Will be thinking of you Fishmanpa and praying for you that it is good news xx

18-11-13, 19:06
good luck mate

18-11-13, 19:24
Hey hey big guy ... big happy positive thoughts from me to you. You're one of life's good people so you know - you're destined to hang around kicking ass and keeping us all motivated for years to come :yesyes:

18-11-13, 19:26
Will be thinking of you and hoping for a positive outcome. xx

18-11-13, 19:34

❤️ and best wishes Vicky x

18-11-13, 19:56
Good Luck sir! I can only wish you the best, you were the first to reply to my post telling me to relax and i appreciate that a lot.

Thoughts will be with you!! Stay positive!!!

18-11-13, 19:58
Praying ,,T

for a good report..

18-11-13, 20:15
Sending you hugs and prayers and more hugs and prayers , will be checking this site out tomorrow for the good new x

18-11-13, 20:20
I shall be thinking about you fishmanpa. U r a great inspiration to many here.... I've read many of your posts and I have to agree. I shall have my fingers and toes crossed for you.

18-11-13, 20:31
Best of luck to you, I will be sure to send positive thoughts your way!

18-11-13, 20:40
Keeping you in my prayers and wishing you the best of luck! xx

18-11-13, 21:06
Wishing you all the best:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:xxx

18-11-13, 21:23
Will be thinking of you and sending good wishes your way Fishman xx

18-11-13, 21:53
sending positive thoughts your way.

good luck

mandie x

18-11-13, 21:59
Wishing you all the luck in the world for tomorrow. I truly dont know how you manage to stay so positive, I wish I could be the same. xx

18-11-13, 22:00
Will be thinking of you good luck :hugs: x

ally b
18-11-13, 22:16
Positive thoughts an prayers being sent ur way :D good luck :hugs:

18-11-13, 22:18
Thinking only positive thoughts for you! You will do amazing and you deserve it.

19-11-13, 04:21
Sending upbeat positive vibes!!!!

19-11-13, 07:40
Thoughts and prayers to you Fishmanpa hope all goes well

19-11-13, 08:31
Good luck Fishmanpa.

19-11-13, 10:45
Sending lots of positivity your way:)

19-11-13, 10:45
Good luck today Fishman, sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Thinking of you! :bighug1:


19-11-13, 10:49
Ah, jeez, Fishman. Good luck. Fingers and all conceivable body parts crossed for you.

19-11-13, 14:45
I hope all is well! i really do wish i could have some of your positiveity :D

19-11-13, 20:14
Good luck fishman!

19-11-13, 21:38
Wishing you lots of luck tomorrow .Hope it all goes ok !!

20-11-13, 00:26
I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for all the positive thoughts, vibes, prayers and well wishes. I appreciate them more than words can say :)

We just got in a little while ago. After a hell of a long day I can officially say I'm NED (No Evidence of Disease)!!! Next check in February

Thank you all again! :)

20-11-13, 00:37
Yay!! Have been checking this all day to see your reply! So pleased for you :-D xx

20-11-13, 00:57
I haven't been on in a while and just saw this and was very happy to see you are all good!! YES!!!!

20-11-13, 03:52
Congratulations fishman!


20-11-13, 06:55
Excellent congrats xxx

20-11-13, 07:24
I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for all the positive thoughts, vibes, prayers and well wishes. I appreciate them more than words can say :)

We just got in a little while ago. After a hell of a long day I can officially say I'm NED (No Evidence of Disease)!!! Next check in February

Thank you all again! :)

That's fantastic news :yesyes: Supportive hugs being sent :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

20-11-13, 07:46
Congratulations FM...... now you just need to sort that health anxiety out.....oh hang on!

Seriously though mate, really pleased for you.

20-11-13, 08:00
Fantastic news.

20-11-13, 10:05
So delighted for you Fishman!! What great news :D :hugs:

20-11-13, 11:59
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:GOOD NEWS fishmanpa xx

20-11-13, 12:03
Brilliant news!

20-11-13, 12:16
Congratulations FM...... now you just need to sort that health anxiety out.....oh hang on!

Seriously though mate, really pleased for you.

Thanks CP and all...

Seriously though.... when check up time comes, I do get what I call "scanxiety". I worry that the docs will see or feel something suspicious. I manage it fairly well but it definitely affects me physically and mentally. I also get a twinge when I feel something out of the norm but having been through this ordeal, I know what's normal and what's not and a moment or two of rationalization quickly quells the worry.

I have more side effects than I care to elaborate on but I still have about 6 months before I come to realize the "new normal" that will be my life. The docs prescribed some meds to help with the physical nerve issues I have from the surgeries, radiation and chemo. Hopefully that will help alleviate those annoying symptoms.

I was curious as to why they don't do regular CAT or PET scans as so many others I know of get them. They feel it's a waste of money and that a yearly x-ray will suffice. If my cancer were to spread, I'd have symptoms and know my body well enough to know something isn't right. It's a really good thing I don't suffer from HA in that respect ;) They poke, scope, feel around and do full bloods. That and the fact that Johns Hopkins is the #1 H&N cancer hospital in the US and the members of my team are some of the best in the country gives me the confidence not to doubt their word.

Positive thoughts

20-11-13, 12:36
Glad to hear everything went well :)

Daisy Sue
20-11-13, 12:48
So happy and relieved for you Fishmanpa - it's hardly surprising to have some anxiety (or scanxiety lol) beforehand, considering the battles you've had. Here's to plain sailing from now on for you :) x

20-11-13, 12:58
That,s wonderful news.Hope the future is bright for you.:bighug1: x

20-11-13, 13:46
Awh Fishmanpa that's absolutely fab news, have been thinking about you :) Best of luck for the future x

20-11-13, 13:48
Great news mate

20-11-13, 15:15
Great news :yesyes:

20-11-13, 18:16
Wonderful!!!! So pleased for you mate x

20-11-13, 18:31

---------- Post added at 18:31 ---------- Previous post was at 18:29 ----------

What a relief, anyone who suffers or have fought cancer I admire their courage!

Inspirational - so pleased for u.

20-11-13, 19:10
Really pleased for you :) xx

20-11-13, 19:30
So pleased to hear all is well xx :hugs:

21-11-13, 01:17
That's amazing!! Im so happy for you! God is good!!

21-11-13, 01:22
Fishmanpa I think your an absolutely amazing person and I love the way you always take time out to write to me and other members of this forum with your kind, cheerful and funny words! I hope everything goes well tomorrow do keep us posted xx

---------- Post added at 01:22 ---------- Previous post was at 01:21 ----------

Ooooo Iv just read whole thread! Ur clear that's great news I'm so pleased! X

21-11-13, 01:24
Fishmanpa I think your an absolutely amazing person and I love the way you always take time out to write to me and other members of this forum with your kind, cheerful and funny words! I hope everything goes well tomorrow do keep us posted xx

Thanks Sarah :) Yes, everything went well. I got a NED report ( No Evidence of Disease). I'm where I should be and above the curve in some areas. My team gave me some meds to help treat some of the nasty side effects of treatment. Next appointment in February :)

Positive thoughts

Granny Primark
21-11-13, 01:51
Only just found your post as I dont come on nmp as often as I used to. Im over the moon that things went well for you.:D
Onwards and upwards now.:yesyes:

21-11-13, 18:19
Thanks Sarah :) Yes, everything went well. I got a NED report ( No Evidence of Disease). I'm where I should be and above the curve in some areas. My team gave me some meds to help treat some of the nasty side effects of treatment. Next appointment in February :)

Positive thoughts

An this good news couldn't have happened to a nicer person :-) that's really, really good xx

21-11-13, 18:37
Congratulations FMP I'm so pleased for you and wish may your good health continue!

I can totally relate to the health anxiety situation having been diagnosed with a brain tumour in August and operated on in Oct- the results were a mixture of malignant and benign but slightly better than we expected so that was a relief! I have an MRI in the new year and it does play on my mind- what ifs etc but I guess you gotta let it go too.

I was told my tumour was primary (at this point I hadn't even thought it could have spread!) I wouldn't have been adverse to a full body scan but the neurology team said it wasn't necessary as I had no other indicators and my team like yours is fantastic! (second opinion after much searching for the answer after misdiagnosis and being told 'no' or 'we can only do so much'!)

I think moving forward you become a new version of you, adapting to some changes and an even stronger person, with a new zest for life! This forum has been so great for me at times when I feel like I can't go anywhere else so for that I am thankful.

Best wishes for the future FMP :hugs: xx

21-11-13, 20:07
GREAT news xx I am so happy for you.

21-11-13, 20:33
Awesome news Fishmanpa

ally b
24-11-13, 21:57
Fan-bloody-tastic :yesyes: xx

24-11-13, 22:14
Fish snap....... (Sorry fishmanpa that is what my stupid spellchecker turned your user name in to!!!!)

I am so pleased for you and somewhat relieved too. My relief surely cannot be anywhere near yours? I don't think I can begin to imagine what your roller coaster ride must be like but to be given such good news must be a wonderful lift. It must make the hard work in enduring treatment very worthwhile.

I so take my hat off to you......