View Full Version : My op is next day worried!

18-11-13, 18:37
So my operation is Wednesday I'm thinking all different things but feel calm well calm'ish I'm worked about not waking up or them finding stuff and saying it terminal I just no I'm going to be a wreck come Wednesday and what after I've had it done I regret it and can't do nothing about it even thou it's the right thing to do my head is a shed 😔

18-11-13, 19:05
Hello. What is your op for if you don't mind me asking? I have been to sleep just once as an adult and it was scary but its over so quickly and soon I will be going under to have wisdom teeth removed which I am terrified about. I know it sounds hard to do but I found what helped me was not even thinking about what was happening and just going through the motions and then suddenly you'll be going to sleep and waking up before you know it. Its my strategy of dealing with things like that but obviously wouldn't work for everyone xx

18-11-13, 19:28
Yeh sure I'm being steralized I have 4 children my last baby is only 1 he was a really shock devoured all meaning of contraception so he was obviously a little gift that was meant to be but I at least think I don't want any more because the more children you have the less they all have and given my anxiety is mainly about my children and leaving the motherless I don't think it's a good idea? But I can't help thinking the usual bad things I'm scared of bottling out when I get there x