View Full Version : Making a list:

18-11-13, 19:19
I decided on my way home today after having had a not so good day with mostly health worries -I have GAD but also an inclination towards health anxiety -of all the symptoms/maladies etc I have had starting with lat years episode of anxiety (I did briefly get over it by myself but for various reasons it recurred) I hope no one minds me sharing this but just making the list in my head helped me to understand what is going on (I've included some explanations as well to my various symptoms)
* throat cancer due to persistent lump in throat -turns out I was allergic to my husbands job of all things suitable nasal spray sorted it (ps also had anxiety)
This year
* vulva cancer due to finding small lump dr said is just fatty lump -despite not believing him it cleared up.
* breast cancer - strange sensations in breast mostly left one -been checked no lumps -found out is link between soreness and contraception (plus some emotional/hormonal influences)
* jaundice or liver problem -thought I looked a bit yellow and had itchy feet 1 night in bed (I don't look yellow and stress anxiety had dried out my skin)
*some horrid blood disorder due to tiny pin prick sized dots that I have noticed again - not even Google found anything of worry on this one and load of posts on here from people who have the same and have had for years.
* some horrid bone collapsing disease due to slightly mishapen right rib -again not even Google found anything scary on this one but did find information on loads of people who have similar without issue there is even a you tube video -is just his I'm built coupled with ribs being pushed apart by two kids.
*Some horrid disease causing be to yawn excessively-possibly anything restricting oxygen intake -quick look on here and guess what we are into the symptoms of anxiety!
* Some digestive related cancer or illness due to gurgling stomach, slightly mushy stomach, loss of appetite and some weight loss -reality is my stomach is actually functioning quite normally and seemed to have returned to its usual self (perhaps at least until tomorrow considering I've got myself in a state) also again quick look on here typical symptom of. .... anxiety
* any type of horrid disease that makes you feel ghastly and tired spoke to dr he didn't do blood tests reckoned I was slightly anaemic so could improve diet and try supplements -got some Spatone which had really helped combat the tiredness (feel quite energised if truth be told have took dog on longer walks not been doing asleep through exhaustion) he also referred me to the mental health assessment team
*MS - hands don't feel like mine sometimes, told I should pick my feet up at work the other day, felt like right leg slightly heavier than left and possibly slightly dragging, internal trembling and some external trembling etc etc. REALITY my shoes are a bit big for me and they are quite heavy winter boots and my legs work fine when I don't focus on them plus absolutely all these symptoms are suggestive of you guessed it the one problem I can be sure I have (even though my head is going Yes but you had had a good weekend felt quite relaxed last night so you cant possibly have that) ANXIETY
Writing that list should really help me to get some perspective on what I am dealing with and believe me I haven't even mentioned the list of very serious mental health issues I'm sure I have our am going to have..... quick check of those symptoms on here and once again the writing on the wall is anxiety, stress and if I'm honest some depression caused by all of the above! I know I'm not supposed to ask for symptoms checking on here but does anyone else want to take a guess at what I actually have!