View Full Version : heart rate question

18-11-13, 19:25
Hello if you have seen my other posts, tapered off citalopram 40, had horrible panic started taking 20 again been about a week feeling muchhh better, but I need something to worry about so I'm curious, last night laying in bed extremely tired my heart rate was 60 BPM checked a few times before I passed out always 60. My heart rate during the day is normally 72ish.. I read citalopram can cause a slow heart rate.. I was on it for 4 years before I tapered off. Also when I breathe in my heart speeds up and slows on breathing out.. Normal? My heart usually races when I stand up as well.
I had a few ekgs in my life always fine, last one 4 years ago how much can change in that time realistically.. Thank you

19-11-13, 01:50
I think 60bpm is excellent, they say the slower the heart rate the fitter you are. My heart beats quicker when I breathe in. My resting heart is faster than yours but I probably am older, I am 56. I too have heart worries. I know nothing about citalopram, sorry.

I think your heart could change in 4 years, that's quite a long time, but I don't think you have anything to worry about at all. What is your age?


19-11-13, 03:38
I am 26 I've always been a big guy, over weight but not obese or anything.