View Full Version : feel like all my hard work is ruined :(

18-11-13, 19:37
Sorry but I just need to vent. I feel like all my progress has been undone in 5 minutes.

Having a conversation, subject gets onto my headaches, I was asked if my glasses were helping with my headaches and.I.say no.

Someone kindly says I should go to the.doctors because it sounds like AVM, apparently a bunch of tangled veins.that.could burst at any time and.cause a hemorrhage and likely death. Oh and I'm the perfect age.apparently.

Seriously why do people do this? Fear is not the word, I was doing so well I just got home and sobbed :(

18-11-13, 19:54
People have a tendancy to favour the horror story instead of the more milder version such as I had a friend like that she checked with her optician and just needed a stronger prescription doesn't have quite the same wow factor does it! Whenever we or someone we know has a bad experience we shout it from the rooftops (have a look at trip advisor reviews of your local restaurants and you'll see what I mean) but there are hundreds of people who had a good experience and just left it at that as they didn't need to get it off their chests!

18-11-13, 19:55
Wow it's the day for it today - first Katie and now you :)

That person (unless they are a physician of some sort and subjected you to a thorough examination) is akin to any one of us giving you thoughts on here. Sometimes people say stupid things - and when it concerns our health we have a tendency to over react.

Have a rant if you need to, even shed a tear, then gather yourself and your resolve and get the positive Roxy back in the knowledge that we are all here to back you up.

Thinking of ya Roxy!

18-11-13, 21:03

Im so angry at myself for listening. Even more peed off that I googled AVM out of curiosity thinking I could handle it because I'd been feeling fine. Now im totally devastated as it seems this could be the answer to my headaches, urgh :(

18-11-13, 21:04
Speak of the devil and she will appear.

As you saw roxy, I'm quite messed up myself today. All I can suggest is asking what medical training this so helpful person has.

Anyway. I refuse to believe that a blip = all our effort is wasted. Our health is exactly the same as a few days ago, all that's changed is our mental state. I'm working on mine

18-11-13, 21:30
Also I have now patented the first revolutionary HA cure. Whenever you feel down put Madness on your stereo, crank it up and dance like a loony with your children. Now granted to make any serious money out of this I would either have to sell or rent out my kids which probably wouldn't be ethical.

But on the plus side it is an opportunity to rekindle my university dance module (the worst twelve weeks of my life - closely followed by the gymnastics module). At 6ft 4 tall and more designed to row boats fast, I am not built for grace and beauty!

18-11-13, 21:42
Oh kate I know the feeling, was just about to go on your thread and offer you a cyber hug :)

Ive just put the Christmas tree up to take my mind off things. However its got me thinking of family and happy times and everything I'm going to miss when I have fatal brain bleed, now I've gone to bed in tears! One step.forwards, a million steps backwards it feels today :(

---------- Post added at 21:42 ---------- Previous post was at 21:41 ----------

Oh kate I know the feeling, was just about to go on your thread and offer you a cyber hug :)

Ive just put the Christmas tree up to take my mind off things. However its got me thinking of family and happy times and everything I'm going to miss when I have fatal brain bleed, now I've gone to bed in tears! One step.forwards, a million steps backwards it feels today :(

18-11-13, 23:27
It's ok roxy. This too shall pass. Neither of us have what we fear. We will be alive and healthy this time next year so we have to try and minimise our regrets for this year. Let's try to not have too many "oh why did I not enjoy that about last Christmas. Stupid!" to feel bad about once these irrational fears have gone.


18-11-13, 23:36
As the French would say, Absolutement!

Apparently though they also say 'et mon cul c'est du poulet!' Damn you A'Level French why did nothing useful not stick in my mind?

Roxy - you'll be fine I fully expect to see you posting quite differently in a few days. Look back at your posts a week ago. You were a lot further back than you are now. Look after yourself and cut yourself some slack.

19-11-13, 09:55
Thank you both, you do know how to make me feel better :).

I think my main problem is that is says symptoms include headaches and thats it, but it never expands
What type of headaches? Severe, mild, constant, daily, twinges here and there (are these even classed as headaches???) but no.just headaches, potentially worrying millions of people (or maybe just me hah)

19-11-13, 10:46
When I told my colleague that I thought I may have an ear infection she told me that her son had one too and the doctor found out he had C.Diff in his ear (that's the bug you find in the colon) which was not pleasant to hear. I've also had people try to diagnose me with weird and wonderful things, even Bipolar.

As others have said people like dramatise things, like a cold being the flu and a headache being a migraine (pet hate!!!) because we all love a good story. The person who told you you have AVM is not a doctor and has only gone on what they heard on the television or somebody who knows someone who has it. I think we're all guilty to it to some degree. You have to remember that the person has no idea about your health and therefore their word is invalid, AVM would have been picked up.

Don't think of this as your work being undone, you've done very well. Relapses will happen, but it's recognising it, learning from it and then moving on. You're doing great :)

20-11-13, 13:51
I know we're all guilty of doing this. I constantly diagnose myself with things I've read or seen, that's why I'm on this site lol.

Rationally I know people like a good story, nobody cares about the guy who went to the doctors, found out there was nothing wrong and went home again. But I suppose once a thought has been implanted I run away with it!

I will not be given any type of scan, so unfortunately any AVM/aenyursm will never be picked up. This is what worries me the most, is that there is a sinister reason for my head pains, but I'll never know until its too late. This is the fear that I have to battle with at the minute, its bluddy hard!

20-11-13, 20:51
If it makes you feel any better at all, I'm afraid that taking passionflower has given me giant cell arteritis, this is the cause of my headache, and it might put me in danger of a sudden brain hemorrhage. Statistically, that's highly unlikely. Have a good cry, do something pleasant for the evening, and try to get back on the wagon :-)

Edit: Also, if you're really having a headache problem atm, I'm sure you will get a scan eventually to put your mind at ease, if you haven't had one. That seems to be standard procedure where I'm from anyway.