View Full Version : Introducing myself!! :)

18-11-13, 22:15
Hope I am posting this in the right section!
I have GAD and have had for as long as I can remember, 29 now and its as bad as ever, health being my number one concern. I have a twitchy muscle on the left side of my back.....even typing that is making me laugh at how daft I am....but was doing all sorts of google symptom checking when I saw this site!!

I am sick of being weird and would like my life back. I live in Somerset, have a wonderful 9 year old son called Finn who I home educate. I sell antique and vintage clothing and Art Deco era necklaces.
Basically, I cannot feel like this for the rest of my life. I really can't....I already look like Dot Cotton ;)

Hoping to get some inspiration
Em xx

19-11-13, 18:09
:welcome:Em there is lots of help and support here

19-11-13, 18:13
Hi, im mark,im newish to this site also,i really want to feel k
Like my self again before it all gets to much.i cant say I have any of the answers but maybe I can understand how u feel.im 43 and I live in somerset.

19-11-13, 19:39
Hi Em. i'm 28, from Dorset and have been a long sufferer too-since 19! We'll beat it one day- the support out there is getting better every day x

19-11-13, 19:44
Hi Em :welcome:

19-11-13, 20:56
Hi Em,

I'm new here too - so far its been great, its good to speak to people to actually understand what's happening. I hope you find as much comfort here as I have.

Don't be sick of being weird! We are all a little weird - that's what makes us beautiful and special :blush:

19-11-13, 21:05
weird is good normal is boring :)
welcome aboard the madhouse

19-11-13, 22:31
HI Em,

Im new here too and find this site so positive and reassuring. Already its helping me as Im sure it will you too .
Take care
Mac x